Astronaut and tennis fan Drew Feustel watches games from the air and talks to the hosts



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  The Astronaut Drew Feustel of Space
L & D Space astronaut Drew Feustel

Astronaut and tennis fan, Drew Feustel met with Mats Wilander while he was flying over the Atlantic Ocean, where he was in space for about three months and about 90 days more. He and his team are on a mission that involves daily operations related to science and maintenance to maintain the space station. During this busy space trip, he occasionally finds time to watch his favorite sport, live tennis from the space.

He posted a video of him watching a game of Roger Federer late at night

While talking to Wilander, Feustel a coin floating in front of him, which is a medallion to use as a coin. Next year for the Wimbledon finals and said that they would bring her back to earth after their trip and bring her back to the All England Lawn Tennis Club.

For him, "Wimbledon speaks of iconic tennis, it really serves as a base for tennis around the world."

He also added that it is a great inspiration to watch tennis not only for him but also for his wife and her. family because they are huge tennis fans and are very active in the sport. And that's what made him appreciate watching Wimbledon. For him, watching Wimbledon is just an annual ritual.

He also said that they were planning to have a game of tennis in the space with a few very small tennis rackets that is coordinated by the USTA and hoping that it will not be possible. they can leave the game. But, without the help of gravity, it's going to be hard.

He likes to see Canadian player Milos Raonic play and hopes he'll be doing well this week. He said that, until now, he has watched five games in the space as they have the ability to transmit live TV channels. They have also watched the replay of a few games, and he hopes that he will be able to watch live action this week and see how it unfolds.

They also watch the World Cup when they are free and follow live updates. They are a team of different nationalities so they follow football as well as other games.

He said that the Wimbledon t-shirt that he wore was introduced by the All England Tennis Club to create an interest in sports and science. the game of tennis itself involves a lot of physics, which correlates with the principles of spacecraft physics, but differs only in the application.

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