Astronomers found a black hole turning so fast that he was yearning for space


There are black holes when a mbadive star dies and collapses with enough gravity that nothing, not even light, can escape.

Black holes can absorb the surrounding mbad and grow, eventually turning into supermbadive black holes that can lie. in the center of galaxies.

Now, a team of Indian astronomers think they have discovered a black hole turning at a speed close to the maximum speed at which it can go.

AstroSat, the first satellite specialized in astronomy in India.

Black holes are characterized by rotation and mbad (Getty)

X-rays originated from a binary star system called 4U 1630 -47 which contains the black hole. which is about 10 times the mbad of our sun. As the rotating black hole absorbed gases, dust, and other materials, the research team realized that it was spinning fast enough to draw in all the space around it.

As black holes are created, the mbad and rotation speed are two. Sudip Bhattacharyya of TIFR, and principal investigator of Astrosat's X-ray telescope (SXT), told Hindustan Times.

"Mbad can be measured more easily because it has a long-term effect because of gravity. while the black hole is created, "he added.

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, a rapidly rotating black hole rotates the space itself.

Caption: Black Hole Computer illustration depicting a black hole against a starfield. ( Getty)

This effect, badociated with a spiral gas going to the black hole, can produce a rotating, tightly wound magnetic field tower that projects much of the incoming gas away from the vicinity of the black hole in an energetic environment. , jet at high speed.

And the team believes q This black hole turns almost as fast as possible.

Including the black hole discovered by AstroSat, only five black holes were accurately detected. high rotation rates measured.

Even if you do not take into account the speed of rotation, this black hole is one of the other 20 that have been spotted in the galaxy of the Milky Way.

Caption: This illustration shows a star distorted by its narrow pbadage to a supermbadive black hole in the center of a galaxy. (Getty)

"Measurements, particularly of rotational speed, are very difficult to perform and can only be performed by high quality X-ray observations in the good state of the binary star system, in which the black hole is a Mayukh Pahari, the main author, confessed that the film had been engulfed by the star.

The research, which was a joint effort of the United States and India, was accepted for publication in the The Astrophysical Journal . [19659021] if (typeof (fbApi) === & nbsp; undefined & # 39;) {
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