At the funeral of the Israeli sergeant killed on the Gaza border, friends and family remember a young leader – Israel News


Hundreds of people attended Sgt's Sunday funeral. Aviv Levi, who was killed Friday at the Gaza border fence – a place he had proposed to be as fighting with Hamas intensified over the weekend .

Levi, 20, a soldier of the Givati ​​Infantry Brigade, was shot dead by a Hamas gunman near the fence. He was wearing armor, and the army is investigating why this does not protect him.

The mayor of Petah Tikva, Itzik Braverman, said at the funeral at Segula cemetery in the city that it was clear that Levi was a leader.

"Yesterday, when I went to school that Aviv attended, her shocked friends, I could hear how much Aviv was loved – a leader, a paragon, a friend for everyone, "said Braverman.

"With others, he had woven a dream for after his upcoming release, and for the more distant future.I heard his commanders talk about his determination and his leadership abilities."

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According to Braverman, Levi's commander said that Levi did not have to go out at the gate, but asked to do so. "He was the best," said Braverman quoted by the commander.

Levi's parents were abroad when they heard the news of his death. He is survived by three brothers, one also serving in a combat unit.

  Private Aviv Levy was evacuated after being hit by sniper fire on the Gaza border on July 20, 2018.

Eliyahu Hershkovitz

The former clbadmates of Levi, from the Golda Meir School of Petah Tikva, gathered on Saturday to commemorate it.

"We were in the same clbad, he went through everything with me," said his friend Idan Ziv in Haaretz, "He always knew the right thing and picked you up when you were down."

Dudu, another friend, said, "He always tried to act as if everything was fine in Gaza and to smile, but I was there and I know that all is not pink. "

Levi's friends had only spoken to him a few hours before being killed. His friend Suf told Haaretz that they had planned to go see him on Saturday to celebrate his birthday next week.

"The last time we talked, he said," I'm not scared. I'm only scared for my soldiers when they are asleep. "This guy defies the description," said Suf.

"He was a leader in the army and at home, he had a corner in his heart for everyone, he would make video calls since the closing, and he acted as if he was a kid's game, as if it was not dangerous there. "

Levi's girlfriend, Shahar Erez, posted on her Instagram account: "We had a million shots and we counted the days before we saw each other again in two more weeks, it was your birthday, and while I was preparing the perfect day, everything exploded.I refuse to believe that it is real. "

Noam Levi, the uncle of Aviv, told Haaretz: "Aviv was the eldest grandchild of the family. The whole family admired him. He did things thoroughly and quietly, he accomplished a lot in his short life. He really wanted to serve Givati. He was introverted and shy, but he was serious and conscientious. "

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a statement: "With his comrades, Aviv has beaten with determination and heroism against the terror of the Gaza Strip, much to our regret, this struggle sometimes demands a price heavy to bear, our hearts are with the family. "

President Reuven Rivlin added, "The loss is unimaginable, we send a comforting embrace to his family and those who loved him in these difficult times, and together, all of Israel, we feel your pain."

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said: "Aviv Levi fell to defend the people, the country and the people of the Gaza border region".

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