At the historic summit, Trump refuses to face Putin on the voting line


Helsinki, Jul. 17 (AFP) President Donald Trump has drawn attention to Russian denials of interference in the US elections at his inaugural summit with Vladimir Putin, where the couple defended a new beginning in relations between the two countries. The US and Russian presidents came out of their meeting in Helsinki, expressing the desire to speak again about global challenges, after discussing a set of issues from Syria, Ukraine and China to commercial tariffs and the size of their

There were indications of an arrangement to work together and with Israel to support a ceasefire in southern Syria, suggesting that the administration US backs down its claim that ally Moscow Bashar al-Assad resigns. it is anathema to many in Washington, Trump's apparent concessions to Putin during the electoral controversy provoked a punishing condemnation on the other side of the political demarcation line

. In chief at a joint press conference, Trump acknowledged that his intelligence chiefs believed that Russia had hacked and leaked Democratic emails containing politically damaging information about rival Hillary Clinton in 2016.

But, insisting the fact The rich tycoon of the property said: "I have President Putin, he just said that it was not Russia.I will say this: I see no reason for that. The US indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence agents exploded with embarrbading timing for Trump as he was preparing to meet Putin, arrested for seeking to influence US policy. [19659002] But the US leader insisted that his counterpart had "powerfully" denied any Russian manipulation and that the investigation by the special advocate Robert Mueller was a "disaster" for the United States.again denied any complicity between his campaign and the Kremlin, while Putin insisted: "The Russian state has never interfered and is not planning to interfere in US domestic affairs." In fact, Trump hosted a surprise offer from Putin.

As criticism mounted, Trump tweeted from Air Force One on the way to Finland that he had "great confidence in my people of intelligence". We can not focus exclusively on the past – as the two largest nuclear powers in the world, we must agree. The tweet came after Trump's apparent disavowal of his own FBI and intelligence agencies immediately provoked

Republican Senator John McCain said the press conference was "shameful" and a "low point" for the presidency of the United States.

"Close to President Trump's eulogy Today's press conference marks a recent low point in the history of the US presidency." The White House, publishing a statement saying that the judgment of the US intelligence community that Russia interfered in the 2016 elections was "clear."

And the top US Senate Democrat, Chuck Schumer, said Trum p "stood above of our country "by siding with Putin instead of his own officials." Millions of Americans will continue to wonder if the only possible explanation for this dangerous behavior is the possibility that President Putin But Putin has denied the idea that Russian spy bosses could hold compromising information about Trump, who in his previous professional career oversaw the Miss Universe contest in Moscow in 2013.

"The two di The audience seemed relaxed at the press conference, smiling at the opportunity, contrary to their somber attitude at the beginning of the day.

Putin presented Trump with a football World Cup one day after attending the finals of the much vaunted tournament in Moscow. Trump said he was happy to pbad the ball to his 12-year-old son Barron.

Trump, who wanted to forge a personal connection with the Kremlin leader despite the electoral allegations, went to the summit accusing the "stupidity" of His attitude towards Putin also contrasted with the anger that Trump had manifested against NATO allies at a militant alliance summit in Brussels last week, which, according to critics, would only make Putin happy. 19659002] But during breakfast with President Sauli Niinisto, Trump said that "NATO has never been stronger" and "has never been more together", insisting that all allies pay their fair share. , supposedly America's partner in a "special relationship", has also been riddled with controversy.

In Helsinki, however, Trump was determined to accentuate the positive, just as Putin

"Our relationship has never been now.r, that changed about four hours ago. really believe that, "said Trump, saying the summit was" only the beginning ".

Putin said: "It is obvious to everyone that bilateral relations are going through a difficult period.However, there are no objective reasons for these difficulties, the current tense atmosphere." Renting a "frank and professional atmosphere", the Russian leader said that he considered the talks "very successful and useful." (AFP) CPS CPS

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