Atheists in India: Uday Chopra asks if we are allowed to be "atheists" in India, Farhan Akhtar gives an epic answer!


Do you believe in God? In a country considered as the country of many religions and languages, is it acceptable to be an atheist?

<img id = "ed-img" title = "Uday Chopra Asks If We're Allowed To Be 'Atheists' In India, Farhan Akhtar Gives An Epic Reply" src = " /content/2019/Mar/uday_chopra_asks_if_were_allowed_to_be_atheists_in_india_farhan_akhtar_gives_an_epic_reply_1553344404_725x725.png "alt =" Uday Chopra asks if he is allowed to be "atheist" In India, Farhan Akhtar gives an epic answer [19659003] Uday Chopra recently posed a Similar question Uday Chopra asked his 1.48 million followers on Twitter: "Are we allowed to be atheists in India?"

Do we have the right to be atheists in India?

– Uday Chopra (@udaychopra) March 22, 2019

Interestingly, Farhan Akhtar was one of the people who responded to his tweets.Farhan wrote "God knows" with an emoticon who raises his eyes

God knows 1945

– Farhan Akhtar (@FarOutAkhtar) March 23, 2019

And that is not all, Uday Chopra then launched a speech on "unproven imaginary beings". In one of his tweets, he wrote, "People are arguing over unproven imaginary beings of each other and yet everything is fine, but as soon as it is said that I do not really believe in a dad from heaven imaginary and not removable, I am the one who is strange. "

Here is a thought: you can hold a weapon in your head to force me to believe in your god. I'll even say yes because I want to live, but how do you know what I really believe in my head? I do not think even your god knows it, probably because it's imaginary

– Uday Chopra (@udaychopra) March 22, 2019

People argue over the unproven imaginary beings of the other and yet everything is fine, but At the moment when it is said that I do not really believe in an imaginary heavenly father and not removable, I am the one who is weird!

– Uday Chopra (@udaychopra) March 22, 2019

Not to be missed [19659011] <! –


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    Here's how people reacted to his tweets.

    Choose wisely your fights, some are not worth it.

    – Pretty Sohi (@jolie_sohi) March 22, 2019

    Have you come to India today?

    – Sudip Dhiren (@sudipd_ABpos) 23 March 2019

    Yes, we can be it. The problem arises when we boast !! 1945

    – Murali Nair (@MuraliCRNair) On March 23, 2019

    under the current regime, you are only allowed to anything else in the Hindu

    – cool and good (@ TheHedgehog123) March 22, 2019

    If you are strong enough to handle dirty looks that are thrown at you or hurt your face, be one. – Varsha Patil (@DrVarshaa) March 23, 2019

    You can be what you love as long as you do not advertise it on social media!

    – Mini Ribeiro (@MiniRib) March 23, 2019

    This is okay, but you will need to be hard to hear any abuse

    – Shubham Khandelwal (@ shubham_2107) Mar 22, 2019

    Meanwhile, Uday Chopra had also tweeted about his health mind recently. Yesterday evening, while addressing Twitter, he wrote: "Confession: I'm not good! I'm trying but until now I'm failing. For a few hours, I disabled my Twitter account. I felt as close to death as possible. Was phenomenal! I think it's a good option for suicide. I might do it permanently soon. However, he soon deleted his tweet.

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