Australia "a different ball game," says Sharma


Batman Rohit Sharma said India had a lot of self-confidence after winning at home against the West Indies – but warned that winning their first test series in Australia was a challenge of a different kind.
The series sweeps over the West Indies on Sunday, completing their 2-0 Test test and their 3-1 victory in the ODI, thus extending the dominance of their country.
But Sharma has announced a series outside against Australia even without their opponent. Drummers Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft, who are banned for falsifying the ball, would be a much tougher test.
"Australia is always a challenge when it comes to going out and performing. Whenever you go there, you are tested as a player, as an individual and as a team, "said the veteran opener after Sunday's win.
" I think we must be at our best and when you win. a series like this (West Indies) and when you play like that in the tournament, you are very confident. It's about taking that trust in Australia and doing what we did as a team.
India barely has time to catch its breath before heading to Australia on Friday, where the first of its three T20 matches will be held in Brisbane on November 21st. They will also play four tests and three ODIs.
The world leader in testing is well aware that far from home, its shape is fragile. They lost 2-1 in South Africa and 4-1 in England this year.
Sharma said that India needed to "start from scratch" and forget about her recent victories to qualify for Australia.
"Australia will be a different ball game, I totally understand it. But I think what we've done as a team and as a player, we're always saying it, "he said.
" The best teams in the world keep repeating those performances. It will be important for us to start from scratch. Do not think about what we did in the past. "
Sharma, the only drummer to have beaten four centuries in the T20, is part of the Indian Test team that starts in Adelaide on December 6 after being neglected during the five days of play in England. .
"I am someone who does not think too far. So, I focus first on the T20 series, "said Sharma.
" Of course, the Test match is something I've been waiting for a long time and it will be nice to represent the game. India testing, but we want to win the T20 first. "
He added:" The last time (2015-16), we played in T20 format in Australia, we won 3 to 0. "

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