Avengers 4: Rumors reveal new details on the trailer


By: Express Web Desk | New Delhi |

Publicated: November 2, 2018 19:14:47

  details of the Avengers 4 trailer Avengers 4 released on May 3, 2019.

A rumor about of Avengers 4, the hottest highlight of the Thanos arc of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), indicates that the first trailer of the film will be released in November. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige recently said the trailer is expected to debut "before the end of the year".

The rumor comes from the Russian social networking site vk.com, which features a trailer profile. The message also indicated that the trailer would be tuned to a new rendition of Twelve Titans Music's "Dust and Light". The song was used in the trailer of the latest film from Peter Jackson's The Hobbit trilogy, The Battle of the Five Armies. The article also states that the title of the film, which has not yet been revealed, is Avengers: Annihilation. Annihilation is currently top of the list of "Avengers 4 Most Probable Titles" that are swirling on the Internet.

Also read | Avengers 4: All we know so far


Avengers 4 does not arrive until the month of May of next year and speculations about his possible plot reach already a record level. Thanos, the MCU's big villain, has ended half of the universe's life in Avengers: Infinity War as part of his Malthusian quest to restore balance by eliminating the extra burden that weighed on the resources of the universe.

Thanos should be knocked down by the remaining Avengers. who will receive a boost from the arrival of Captain Marvel. Dead superheroes should also be revived, if they are dead and they are not transported to the realm, inside the Soulstone. Many old characters are supposed to make brief cameos. The veteran Avengers, the old guard consisting of Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, etc., will probably leave the MCU after Avengers 4. The actors contract expires with the movie.

Avengers 4 is released on May 3rd. , 2019.

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