Avengers: Endgame: Marvel security officer fired THIS actress for sharing a picture of the sets


Avengers: Endgame was Marvel Studios' most protected project to date. A recent incident on the sets reveals that the production company has done everything possible to ensure that the details of the film are not revealed online.

All Marvel fans would be aware of the security measures implemented at Marvel Studios. The production house behind the greatest superhero films is known for keeping all the details of the sets in the casting, through the scenarios, under the hood. Avengers: Endgame was the biggest example. The brothers Russo and Marvel Studios did their best (and almost equally successful) by keeping the biggest film spoilers in a trunk. However, a spoiler has almost made its way through an actor.

This is only when the film was released that many people understood that Emma Fuhrmann was part of the movie. The actress has tried the old version of Cbadie Lang, the daughter of Scott Lang, also known as Ant-Man. The actress, in an interview with Comicbook.com, revealed that Marvel's security officer had knocked on her door after publishing an innocent photo of the sunset. Yes, just the sunset!

She revealed that she had shared a breathtaking picture of the sunset and marked the location. That was enough to bring trouble to her home. "So, I had arrived in Atlanta to film, and there was this beautiful sunset." I took a picture of the sunset and posted it on my Instagram account, and I just marked the location, Atlanta, Georgia.The next day, [Marvel’s] The security officer came in my caravan and explained to me how I could not post that, "she recalls.

"I was like," Well, I was not going to say that I was on the set of you know, endgame or anything, "and that they were like, "No, we understand, you're not the first person we've had to talk to today, but people have been phoning me all day to try to figure out where you're going to turn, & # 39; and it was a bit like & # 39; Ok, wow, that's real. It could not have been clearer, I really did not understand how huge Marvel was and what impact it had had. It was really a kind of pinch moment even though I had a little problem, "she added.

We would have panicked if Marvel Studios' security head was knocking on our doors. They must do! Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for more updates.

ALSO READ: Avengers: The star of the finale, Robert Downey Jr, wrote CE about the distancing between Iron Man and the future outside MCU

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