Avengers: Endgame – The Devastating Truth of Why Cape Will Die to Save Tony Stark


  Captain America Stark Tony
Marvel Studios

For all the speculation and all the unknowns around the Avengers: Endgame, we can be certain of one thing. Someone will die. In fact, when the dust settles on the list, the list of fallen people will probably be much longer than that. moment, the question now is how many of these OG characters are killed. It is, of course, possible that some of them will retire valiantly, such as Clint Barton, whose bow depends very much on the safety of his family, or Bruce Banner, who ultimately seeks peace. Thor could also retire, because he has New Asgard's rule to worry about.

But the two characters that worry us the most are Tony Stark and Steve Rogers. It is the survivors of the Decimation who occupy the most precarious position, especially because Chris Evans and Robert Downey Jr are the most open about their impending retirements, but for reasons related to the narrative.

Let's lose at least one of them to the second war against Thanos. And unfortunately, it makes sense that, like Harry Potter and Voldemort, none can live while the other survives. Marvel can not let them go at sunset, so we have to give something, and most likely Rogers will die to save Tony Stark.

To begin to understand this, we must first look at the characters in more detail. In this way, we can understand why one of them must die and why, ultimately, he must be Captain America …

4. Tony Stark & ​​Obsession

  Iron Man 2 Tony Stark
Walt Disney Studios

In many ways, Tony Stark and Thanos are inverted images. Thanos even recognizes their similarity in his parallel according to which both are "cursed by knowledge" and his admiration for Stark seems implicitly tinged with recognition. The future of Tony and the key to the perverse sympathy of Thanos. Both speak in terms of extreme solutions for "the greatest good:" for Thanos, it was the Decimation (after playing with the idea of ​​a random genocide to save Titan). For Tony, it was to create Ultron, then approve the Agreements to regulate the activity of superheroes

. In both cases, they planned to consciously ignore the negative impact on the positive aspects in the long run. They named themselves Messiahs: Thanos in a more manic way, but there is no doubt about it, that 's how Tony also saw himself for a while. Why else would he have broken protocol and logic to pretend to be Iron Man?

The problem with this complex and with the "curse" of Tony's knowledge is that he can not simply withdraw from Iron Man in conventional terms. He tried and it did not work, to the point that it created a gap between him and Pepper Potts. Think of how his need to be Iron Man defines him in Iron Man 3: he is presented as an obsessed genie, constantly creating armor variants to fill all his content. Instead of sleeping and taking care of yourself.

For him, Iron Man is a disease. That's why his superhero status is closely related to illness, both mental and physical. It is no coincidence that his arc reactor was both keeping him alive and killing him (thanks to palladium poisoning). Nor is it a coincidence that his PTSD left him without fear in order to protect his loved ones and the planet, but also destroyed his mind for a while. He is a man defined by conflict.

If he can not go, even with the promise of his future with Pepper, his marriage and his potential children, his only way out is death. Unless Captain America modifies the settings, that is …

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