Avengers: Robert Downey Jr, star of Iron Man, tells Tony Stark's links to Captain America & Pepper


Iron Man, aka Tony Stark, has evolved a lot over the last ten years. Avengers: The star of the final, Robert Downey Jr., recently spoke about the development of the Iron Man character, his relationship with Pepper Potts and his links with Captain America.

There was one character who had known the most important development of the latest Marvel Cinematic Universe films, that was Iron Man, aka Tony Stark. The superhero started as a cheeky and gray character. However, over the last ten years, the character has had its ups and downs to finally become a totally different person in Avengers: Endgame. Part of the credit goes to Robert Downey Jr who made the superhero character his second skin for more than ten years. In the movie MCU, we see different shades of Tony.

At the beginning of the film, we embody a vulnerable Avenger, a caring husband who decides to abandon his superhero alter ego and devote his life to his wife and daughter. We also see him in an avatar never before seen of a father, who gives his daughter with love. We see him then sacrificing himself to save the world. Although we can continue to describe his character, the actor recently described his character and his journey in a new featurette shared by Marvel Studios.

He describes the path Iron Man has taken to move from egocentrism to creating space for others. He talks about his relationship with Peppers and how Tony fought things between himself and Steve Rogers. Besides Robert, Jeremy Renner also looks at the character's journey (Hawkeye) in the video. Watch the video below:

Discover in detail the evolution of characters in Avengers: Endgame in this exclusive featurette. The Marvel studios #AvengersEndgame are digitized on July 30 and in Blu-ray on August 13: https://t.co/6wVet9nMUA . MarvelStudios) July 8, 2019

Avengers: Endgame was reissued a few weeks ago. The new movie featured some new scenes, including an unfinished deleted scene starring Hulk and a tease for Spider-Man: Far From Home. This reissue was an attempt to dethrone Avatar as the most profitable film of all time. To this day, Avengers: Endgame has more than $ 15 million to beat the Avatar record. Do you think Avengers: Endgame will defeat Avatar? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below.

ALSO READ: Avengers: Chris Hemsworth, star of the finale, in Fat Thor: I know what my wife feels now when she was pregnant

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