Aww! Ekta Kapoor's nephew, Laksshya, plays with his newborn. See adorable photo


The new mother, Ekta Kapoor, shines with joy these days. Since she's announced to the world her blessing of being a baby through surrogacy, her fans and friends have filled her with best wishes for the new phase of her life.

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The new mother Ekta Kapoor radiates joy these days.Since she's announced to the world the blessing of having a baby through the surrogacy, her fans and friends filled her with best wishes She recently released an adorable photo of her little munchkin's room Ravie Kapoor.

From the clarity of the blue walls to the bed sheet, the room looks happy and delightful to the eyes.Czarina television posted the photo of Ravie cradle while Laksshya watches the baby and writes: "Big brother is watching us!"

Ekta ha called her son Ravie Kapoor in l & # 39; honor of his father Jeetender, whose real name is Ravi Kapoor.Ekta, who is single, was trying to get pregnant Seven years without success She had consulted Dr. Nandita Palshetkar and had also participated in several IVF sessions. However, she has succeeded in surrogacy. Recently, she thanked her doctor and wrote: "Thank you Dr. Nandita, it's been 7 years!"

She made an official announcement on Instagram by writing, "Please, send your love and blessing to Li'l.Jai Mata Di! Jai Balaji. By the grace of God, i have had many successes in my life but nothing beats the feelings of this beautiful soul added in my world.I can not even begin to express how much the birth of my baby has made me happy Everything in life does not happen as you wish, but there are always solutions to these problems.I found mine and today, I feel immensely blessed to become a parent. Is a moving moment for me and my family, and I'm looking forward to starting this new mother journey from my little gem of joy, Ravie Kapoor. "

Ekta's brother, Tusshar, had welcomed Laksshya Kapoor through surrogacy through IVF. In 2016, Ekta loves children, and especially her nephew Laksshya, who likes to publish with him gay and fun photos on his Instagram page.

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