BAFTA drops Bryan Singer, director of Bohemian Rhapsody, on appointment on charges of sexual misconduct


The British Academy of Cinematographic and Television Arts withdrew the name of Bryan Singer from Bohemian Rhapsody's nomination for a remarkable British film due to "very serious recent allegations" of badual behavior against the director. The film itself will retain the nomination, as well as six other categories "crafts and theater".

"The BAFTA considers the alleged behavior to be totally unacceptable and inconsistent with its values," the academy writes in a statement released Wednesday, four days before the award. ceremony. "This has led to the suspension of Mr. Singer's candidacy." BAFTA notes Mr. Singer's denial of his allegations, and the suspension of his appointment will remain in effect until the outcome of the allegations. be resolved. "

BAFTA's decision came nearly two weeks after GLAAD estimated that the biopic Queen was not eligible for its outstanding film category in response to the allegations against Bryan Singer released last month by The Atlantic. This article of about 9,000 words presents detailed accounts of four people who said that Bryan Singer had badually badaulted them while they were underage. Bryan Singer denied the charges and then responded with a statement qualifying the article as "homophobic smear", a claim invoked by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance against defamation by announcing the film's ineligibility.

Bohemian Rhapsody won five Oscar nominations last month, including best film. However, unlike BAFTA, the Academy of Arts and Film Science attributes the best image to the film's only producers – Graham King in this case. The names of King and screenwriter Anthony McCarten remain on the BAFTA nomination. Neither, nor Bryan Singer, responded to the Washington Post's request to comment on the director's suspension.

The film's award season follows a chaotic production process that began in 2010. Queen guitarist Brian May announced his project for the film that year. , when filming was to begin in 2012 with comedian Sacha Baron Cohen in the role of singer Freddie Mercury. Cohen left the project in 2013 due to creative differences and British actor Ben Whishaw stepped in to replace him. He also left the group.

In 2016, the appointment of Bryan Singer to lead the lead role was confirmed for Rami Malek.

Twentieth Century Fox dismissed Bryan Singer a few weeks before the end of Bohemian Rhapsody . of production, citing what he calls unreliable behavior. The Hollywood Reporter spoke of his prolonged absences from filming and his tension with Rami Malek, although Bryan Singer denied him and claimed he was in the care of a sick family member. While Bryan Singer retained this credit, Dexter Fletcher, whose name had been badociated with the project when Whishaw was involved, took over the remaining director roles.

Rami Malek won trophies for his performance in the film, including a Golden Globe. But he was also criticized for his silence on the charges against Singer. After receiving an Oscar nomination for Best Actor, he told The Los Angeles Times that he "was not aware of Bryan Singer's allegations of badual misconduct" before to sign the project. While the pressure to comment on the allegations increased, Rami Malek spoke more frankly last week during a debate at the Santa Barbara Film Festival.

"My heart goes out to all who have to live pretty much like what I've heard and what's out there," said Rami Malek, according to the Hollywood Reporter. "It's awful.It's remarkable that this is happening.I can appreciate so much what they have experienced and how much it must be hard for them." In light of the era # MeToo, it seems to exist somehow after … it's horrible. "

He continued, "In my situation with Bryan, it was not pleasant, not at all – that's about all I can say about it." For all those who seek comfort in all this Bryan Singer was fired, Bryan Bryan Singer was fired, I do not think it was something that anyone saw coming, but I think it was supposed to happen, and it happened. "

Rami Malek was named to BAFTA for his performance in Bohemian Rhapsody also honored in the categories of makeup and hair, cinematography, editing, sound and costume design. The awards ceremony is scheduled for Sunday night at the Royal Albert Hall in London.

(c) 2019, The Washington Post

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