Bhanupriya statement on the harassment of a 14-year-old girl receiving domestic help


Renowned actress in Tamil cinema, actress Bhanupriya has been seen alongside some of the biggest stars of South India and can now be seen taking on character roles.

At the same time, a police case was filed at the Samalkot police station in Andhra Pradesh against Bhanupriya by a woman named Prabhavathi, claiming that she and her daughter Sandhya had been threatened by the actress.

That said, Bhanupriya was quick to respond and told the media about Sandhya's detention as hostage, claiming that the girl was working as a maid in her home.

The actress adds that she found that a considerable sum of money had disappeared, which, after investigation, revealed that Sandhya was close to 4,000 rupees. 1.50,000 / -. She had also confessed that some jewelry and some high-end gadgets had also been stolen.

Bhanupriya explained that Sandhya's mother had badured that the money would also be returned, but instead had lodged a complaint against her in their country of origin with threat charges. her.

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