BJP sees an opportunity in Karnataka, Yeddyurappa sign to workers brings dissent Congress, JD (S) MPs to party


  BJP, Karnataka, Yeddyurappa BS, Congress, JDS BJP sees an opportunity in Karnataka, Yeddyurappa beckons to workers to bring dissidence Congress, JD (S) MLAs to party fold

Former President from the state unit Karnataka CM and BJP BS Yeddyurappa has agreed to party cadres for bringing dissident deputies of Congress to power and camp Janata Dal (layman) to the party of the party. At the first meeting of the party's executive committee Friday after the badembly elections, Yeddyurappa said the warrant was in favor of the BJP and that state officials still hope the saffron party will return to the party. power.

to personally approach those who are dissatisfied with the Congress-JD (S) coalition and convince them to join the BJP

"The ambition of the people is still pretty obvious and they expect us back to power in one way or another, "With the intention of strengthening the party and propel Prime Minister Narendra Modi to power in 2019, I urge party leaders to go to those who are unhappy, "he said, with the alliance and to bring them to the BJP.We welcome all those who care about the development of Karnataka and the nation," added Yeddyurappa.

Qualifying the alliance between Congress and JD (S) of impure, BSY said that "this government will not be able to complete its mandate". He said that the party will adopt the policy of waiting and monitoring and will not make any movement with haste.

"It will be undone and will probably not last five full years. "Muralidhar Rao, National Secretary General of the BJP, who also attended the meeting yesterday, told the workers to be optimistic about the recent outcome." Without naming any party, he said the country is divided into nationalists and anti-nationals.Rao said that the doors of the BJP are open to those who have understood that taking a stand for anti-nationals is not the future of the country. India

"Come join us. All those who fight for the nation are our own people and not the opposition, "he said.

In the May 12 election, voters gave an badembly with 37 to the JD (S) +, 78 for the Congress and 104 for the BJP.The saffron part dropped seven less than the mid-term mark of 111 for a majority at that time.The Karnataka Assembly includes 224 seats JD (S) and Congress forge a post-alliance to form a government under the leadership of HD Kumaraswamy

According to several reports, several congressional and JD leaders are not satisfied with the operation of the Kumaraswamy alliance government.The Congress party that emerged as the second largest party is playing the role of junior partner in the coalition.The disunity appeared when the former Congress CM Siddaramaiah asked his successor Kumaraswamy not to present a separate budget re, expressing concern that members of the JD (S) are entrusted with the new budget.

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