Blue Origin of Jeff Bezos wants to start setting up a human colony on the moon of 2023 here


  Moon Moon Lander "title =" Moon Moon Lander "width =" 660 "height =" auto "tw =" 1200 "th =" 690 "/> </figure>
<p><figcaption clbad= Moon Moon Lander Blue Origin

The creation of a human colony on the Moon is not really a new idea: although several private and government organizations have spoken about it, no one could offer a specific timeline as to when this would be possible, until

Recently, AC Charania, Blue Origin's business development director, Jeff Bezos, said he was planning a lunar landing by 2023, which is best before that date

This announcement is important because no one from the company before Charania had given any more specific timeframe or earlier to complete the lunar landing mission.

  Moon "title = "Chang & # 39; e-3 Lander to the Moon's Surface" width = "660" height = "auto" tw = " 1200 "th =" 882 "/> </figure>
<p><figcaption clbad= Chang & # 39; e-3 Lander on the surface of the Moon CAS / CNSA / SACDME by Airplane" Blue Moon is on our road map, and because of our scale, because of what we see from the government, we brought it a little forward in time. I think we're very excited to be implementing this long-term commercial solution with the NASA partnership, "said Charania at the Space Frontier Foundation's NewSpace conference in Renton, Washington, GeekWire . his plans to colonize Earth's only natural satellite last year, when Jeff Bezos said it was time for the Americans to once again set foot on the moon. A permanently inhabited lunar colony is a difficult and dignified goal. I think a lot of people are excited about it, "he told The Washington Post .

According to last year's publication report, the Blue Moon Project the company understands the colonization plans for the moon.The launch of an Amazon-type delivery service on the satellite was to materialize in the mid-2020s .At that time, Blue Origin was looking for help from from the US Government and NASA Buzz Aldrin "title =" Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon near the lunar module Eagle's leg during the Apollo 11 mission mission commander Neil Armstrong took this photo with a lunar camera of 70mm "660" height = "auto" tw = "1041" th = "1093" />

Astronaut Buzz Aldrin walks on the surface of the moon near the leg of the lunar module Eagle during the mission Apollo 11, mission commander Neil Armstrong took this picture a with a lunar surface camera 70mm [19659003] NASA

NASA has selected 10 companies to share $ 10 million in NASA funding for lunar research and Blue Origin is one of the few them. This has certainly helped the private aerospace business in its development.

However, Blue Origin is not the one and only private company that seeks to bring humans back to the moon and colonize it. SpaceX of Elon Musk, China Manned Space Agency, the Russian Space Agency Roscosmos and NASA itself have lunar missions under development

Scientists test robots on the lunar landscape of the # Etna before the next lunar mission

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