Boeing and FAA will issue security alerts as a result of Lion Air's plane crash


In response to the crash of a Lion Air airliner that killed 189 people in Indonesia last week, the manufacturer


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and US aviation regulators intend to give two safety warnings regarding potentially suspicious flight control software which could confuse pilots and lead to a steep descent of the affected aircraft model,

Movements are the first public indication that investigators suspect a possible software problem or misinterpretation on the part of pilots – related to an essential system that measures the tip of the nose of an airplane – may have played a significant part of the sequence of events that caused the Boeing 737 Max 8 to dive into the Java Sea.

Wrong angle data can lead to a cascade of warnings and cautions that can be misinterpreted by pilots. fly manually, even as security systems automatically adjust the flight control surfaces to push the nose down from the plane, said these people.

The measures planned by Boeing and the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States are preliminary, said these people, and should stop asking or asking for the replacement or inspection of any specific onboard system. They instead constitute an official red flag for pilots, highlighting the potential dangers arising from the interaction of certain software with other badpit alerts and recalling that it is important to adhere to standard procedures in such circumstances.

Manufacturers and the FAA issued safety warnings recalling the limitations of certain aircraft systems and the importance of the procedures recommended by the pilots in accordance with the procedures recommended by the pilots.

In this case, according to one of the people familiar with the same, the goal is also to emphasize the importance of following standard badpit procedures so that pilots avoid misunderstandings or react incorrectly some badpit displays or alerts when manually piloting the aircraft.

after finding unreliable speeding indications shortly after takeoff from Jakarta eather, according to preliminary information gathered by the investigation. A few minutes after the crew informed the air traffic controllers of the situation and gradually picked up altitude as part of an apparent effort to solve the problem, the twin – engine aircraft sank the aircraft. collapsed in the water at high speed.

While distinguishing a potentially problematic software badociated. With the so-called angle of attack warning system, the warnings do not explicitly link this system to the cause of the accident of October 29th. According to the security experts who are following the survey, other factors may have played an important role.

Airline and FAA security experts had not yet identified a similar software problem in the fleet, security experts say. However, preliminary data from the accident suggest that the angle-of-attack system may have malfunctioned for any reason, which could have confused the crew about the speed and attitude of the aircraft, according to a person informed of the matter. The investigators did not publicly describe such a scenario.

On Tuesday night, according to the regulars, the Chicago-based aircraft manufacturer was supposed to publish an exploitation bulletin for all airlines serving 737 Max 8 variants. The document refers to software badociated with the attack angle system, they said.

In a few hours, FAA officials are about to issue a supplementary security document outlining the same issues, said the people. The Airworthiness Directive will be binding on all US carriers offering Boeing 737 Max 8 versions and is expected to be adopted by regulatory authorities around the world.

A day earlier, representatives of industry and government were not expecting such rapid action. But the clues recently downloaded from the aircraft 's flight data recorder were apparently sufficiently disturbing to prompt Boeing and the FAA to proceed quickly with the drafting and coordination of the pair of aircraft. security warnings.

More generally, investigators are trying to understand why the last four flights. from the Lion Air plane that crashed, all had problems with the speedometer of the new Boeing and explained how the interaction between these erroneous readings and the software badociated with the other system could have caused the accident.

– Andrew Tangel contributed to the writing of this article. [19659006] Write to Andy Pasztor at [email protected]

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