Boise stab: unclear pattern in the attack of the birthday party, say the police


Several families who had fled danger and violence abroad were enjoying a three-year anniversary party in Boise, Idaho, when the unthinkable happened – a man ran in and began chasing and stabbing the children, turning his knife on the adults who tried to intervene

The attack took place on Saturday night in a low-income apartment complex that is also home to refugee families from around the world. Nine people were injured, including the birthday girl and five other children aged 4 to 12 years.

The most seriously injured were hanging on to life Sunday night, said William Bones, chief of the Boise Police. some of the new members of our community, "said Mr. Bones on Sunday." It was an attack against those who are most vulnerable. "

Suspect was offered temporary location

The chaos began shortly before 8:46 pm Saturday when the police received a report from a man with a knife.They arrived less than four minutes later to find victims on the street, in the parking lot and inside the 30-year-old Timmy Kinner was found and arrested a short distance away, investigators later found a knife believed to be used in the attack on a nearby cbad

refugee families from Syria, Iraq and Ethiopia were among the wounded.

Mr. Kinner, who is not a refugee, was requested to leave the apartment complex Friday after staying there with a resident, Bones said. crime charges, including aggravated batteries and injuries to a child. Mr. Bones did not know Sunday whether Mr. Kinner had a lawyer.

"We have no clear evidence for the moment to believe that it was a hate crime," Bones told reporters at a news conference. A press conference on July 1st. it is possible that the victims were simply targeted because of where they were on the property. Still, Mr. Bones said, the motive remains under investigation.

Esrom Habte, 12, and Fathi Mahamoud, 11, were playing in the grbad behind their apartment when the attack began. Fathi Mahamoud, 11, left, Esrom Habte, 12, center, and Thado Aip describe the Saturday night attack that left nine other residents of their Boise apartment complex, in the US. Idaho. Fathi Mahamoud, 11, left, Esrom Habte, 12, in the center, and Thado Aip describe the Saturday night attack that left nine other residents of their Boise apartment complex in the ### 39, Idaho, stab wound on July 1, 2018. "clbad =" media-object adaptive placeholder "/>
Fathi Mahamoud, 11, left, Esrom Habte, 12, center, and Thado Aip describe the Saturday night attack that caused the death of nine other residents of their Boise, Idaho, apartment complex. July 1, 2018.
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"We saw a killer and we did not want to be stabbed," Esrom said. "We've seen it say, like, bad words and stab a child and a very hard adult and many times."

The two ran into an apartment and hid in a closet with Esrom's two sisters and another child, and they stayed inside until the police tell them that he was sure to go out.

"I saw police clean things up, and then I went outside," Fathi said. He said stabbing victims are his friends. The victims include members of three refugee families from Iraq, Ethiopia and Syria.

The attack claimed the most casualties in a single incident in the history of the Boise Police Department, the chief said. parents struggle, tears run down their faces, children's faces in their hospital beds will be something I will wear with me for the rest of my life, as will all first responders that night ", he said. "Injuries will change lives"

Police believe that Mr. Kinner was in Boise only recently when he met a resident of the complex, who offered him a place to stay temporary. She asked him to leave on Friday because of his behavior

"I believe his perception was:" Here is a hand that I can give in exchange for a boost that I've been given, "said Mr. Bones.The woman was not among the victims, said Mr. Bones.

The apartment complex is right next to one of the streets The busiest of Boise, separated from traffic by one of the many irrigation cbads that pbad through the city.On Sunday, colorful bouquets were placed just outside the band's stage. crime

  Ibod Hasn, center, speaks to a friend who came to visit after Saturday's knife attack in Boise, Idaho on July 1, 2018.

Ibod Hasn, at center, speaks to a friend who came to visit after Saturday's knife attack in Boise, Idaho, July 1, 2018.

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Residents of the apartments and the rest of the community "felt raging" with violence, Bones said, and the victims will need long-term community support.

"This is not something going back in the days or weeks that follow. … The level of some of the wounds will change life in a very negative way, "said Mr. Bones.

Mayor Dave Bieter condemned the stabbing.

" L & # 39; Horrible attack last night does not represent Boise, "wrote Mr. Bieter." Please, join me in praying for the wounded and their families. We must unite to condemn this despicable act.

Megan Schwab, who works with the International Rescue Committee in Boise, said the organization was working to provide temporary housing, counseling, and other forms of support to people affected by the disease. 39; attack. A candlelight vigil was scheduled for Monday night and several organizations and individuals launched fundraising campaigns to help cover victims' expenses.

For some of the refugees living in the complex, the attack revived the traumatic memories of the war and the violence. had fled. The blood of the daggers reminded Fathi's mother, Thado Aip, of the terror that she left in Somalia, an interpreter said Sunday.

Fathi stayed close to his mother's side Sunday, sometimes sitting on the grbad to lean against his legs. he watched the police at the crime scene.

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