The actor has added his own twisted twist to the challenge as several Bollywood stars and the world over have channeled their inner martial artist. Salman not only took up the challenge by simply removing the cap from the bottle, but he also sent an important message on water conservation.
In the clip, the actor sinks to the water of the bottle before blowing and satiating his thirst.
"Do not talk about paka bachao," he says.
On the labor front, Salman is currently shooting for "Dabangg 3", with Sonakshi Sinha. According to the latest reports, the actor is working hard to lose extra muscle mbad in order to give a leaner physique to his film.
After completing his crime drama, he should start working on Sanjay's highly anticipated film "Inshallah" Leela Bhansali, starring Alia Bhatt as lead actress.
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