Brad Pitt's mascot is kidnapped by the group 'Straight Pride & # 39; after the actor threatened to sue


Recently, the organizers of the "Straight Pride Parade" had claimed that Hollywood actor Brad Pitt happened to be their mascot. However, the actor team contacted them later and asked them to stop using his name to promote the event. Now the organizers have complied and removed his name as a mascot.

The month of June is celebrated each year as the month of pride, during which people around the world celebrate the slogan "love is love." But this year, a group of defeatists proposes a counter-project to launch a "parade of the right pride". This was announced as an opposite response to LGBTQ pride month. Recently, the organizers of this "Straight Pride Parade" had announced that the Hollywood actor Brad Pitt happened to be their mascot. They even congratulated him on being the face of their so-called civil rights movement.

However, sources close to the actor have denied his involvement in the organizers of the "Straight Pride Parade". The actor team even contacted the organizers and asked them to stop using the name of the old to promote their upcoming parade. They were also informed that a lawsuit would be brought against them if they did not do the same. Now, the parade organizers have finally complied with the complaints and removed the photos of the Hollywood star from their website.

This parade will take place in the month of August 2019. Earlier, another Hollywood actor, Chris Evans, who plays the role of Steve Rogers, aka Captain America, in the movie Avengers: Endgame, also made a search in the cinema. "Straight Pride Parade" on his Twitter account.

On the job front, Brad Pitt will soon be seen in the movie Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, in which the co-star is Leonardo DiCaprio. The film was directed by Quentin Tarantino and its release is scheduled for July 26, 2019. Brad will also be seen in another upcoming science fiction film, Ad Astra, directed by James Gray.

(ALSO READ: Brad Pitt threatens to make the mascot by the organizers of SUE Straight Pride Parade?

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