Breathe Game of Thrones books, George RR Martin announces the deadline for Winds of Winter!


  George RR Martin

George RR Martin & nbsp | & nbspPhoto Photo: & nbspInstagram

George RR Martin will no longer disappoint his fans by subjecting them to a state of constant anxiety! He announced the deadline for the arrival of the next book, Winds of Winter. After receiving a plea from Air New Zealand, author George RR Martin gave himself a deadline to submit the next book.

In an advertisement published by Air New Zealand, a voice-over artist explains how Martin seems to have a hard time completing the next book. "We've noticed that between red carpets and interviews, you're having trouble finishing your next book," the voice explains. The voice continues: "We call it" a little bit of pressure ". How can you be creative while you are probably as nervous as a stark with an invitation to a wedding? "

Martin is sure to respond to the advertisement on his blog. In his blog, he said: "In the summer of 2020, Wellington hosts the World Science Fiction Convention, the oldest and most important issue of the SF / Fantasy calendar, and they asked me to serve as a Toastmaster for the Hugo Awards, writers, fans and artists from around the world will come to you to discover all your wonders.I hope that many of you, the Kiwis, will join to us. "He also added:" To finish my book … I'm afraid New Zealand would distract me too much, it's better to leave me here in Westeros for the nuncio.But I'm telling you this – if I do not have it. I do not have WINDS OF WINTER in When I arrive in New Zealand for worldcon, here you have my written permission to imprison me in a small hut on White Island, overlooking this sulfuric acid lake up to ################################################################################ 39, which I finished. "

We learn that the stories of books and series of Game of Thrones go on completely different notes. While the series has finally come to an end after a decade of fan loyalty, the fandom of GoT books still suffers. Well, suffering because the writer simply does not want to complete the series of books! George RR Martin's latest book, A Dance With Dragons, was released in 20122, the same year the fantastic drama was adapted and produced by HBO. Are the fans happy now? Well, hopefully this news will come to them by the supposed disappointment of the final of season 8.

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