Brexit: Do you get nervous, Raab tells the tories "nervous"


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Media legend Dominic Raab: "The time has come to play for the team"

The secretary Brexit said he understood Tory's "nervousness" about negotiations with the EU, but deputies urged MPs to remain nervous as the talks continued.

"The end is near, we want a good price, the price we want," said Dominic Raab, asking them to "wait to see".

as rumors circulated that Theresa May could face Conservatives' vote of no confidence

On Saturday, protesters marched across London to demand a public vote on any negotiated Brexit deal.

Some Conservative MPs were furious last week. suggesting that the post-Brexit "transition period" – designed to bridge the gap between the UK and the EU in March 2019 and a future long-term relationship with Brussels – could be extended.

Brexiteer Iain Duncan Smith said that the UK would pay the EU "billions more" and he said that the negotiations "looked more like a capitulation".

Moray MP Douglas Ross said that the 13 Scottish Conservative MPs would not support an agreement if the UK remained an integral part of the post-2020 common fisheries policy. [19659004] And the Conservative MP Andrew Bridgen told the Mail Sunday that Theresa May "was drinking in the last-ditch lounge" and was scheduled to attend a meeting of the 1928 Conservative Back-Ban Committee.

M. Raab told Andrew Marr of the BBC that he was "open-minded" about the possibility of extending the transition period – which the government calls the implementation period – about "about three months" if necessary, provided that the United Kingdom clearly knows how to get out of it, in order to avoid "any sense that we are left indefinitely in some kind of limbo of the customs union".

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He said: "I think it's understandable, there is nervousness on all sides of this debate and We do not need to hold our nerves.The end is for a good deal – the price we want – a good deal with the EU and I think colleagues should wait to see what it looks like "

He added:" We will not want to report something we do not trust is a very good deal for the UK But now is the time to play for the team, I think it is so that we will get the best deal for the EU and that it is also what the country expects of us. "

Asked whether, in a way Realistically, the withdrawal agreement could still be negotiated after November, he replied: "I think that if we went beyond, we would have a problem with the implementation of the agreement, and that would be almost the worst case – we would have an agreement but could not implement it in time. "

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Media legend On Saturday, large crowds marched to London to request a new referendum on the media. EU

In the meantime, Brexit Minister, Suella Braverman, told Pienaar's support for the Prime Minister but refused to say whether she would support it in a vote of confidence. 19659004] She said: "I do not think there will be a vote of confidence towards the Prime Minister and I support the Prime Minister unequivocally and I want her to get o N with the job of delivering the Brexit and I know that she will do it. "

The United Kingdom voted in favor of the EU's exit from 51.89% to 48.11% in a referendum held in June 2016.

It is due to leave on 29 March 2019, but during the post-Brexit "transition period", which will last until 31 December 2020, relations between the United Kingdom and the European Union will remain largely unchanged. [19659004] If, at the end of this period, a long-term "future relationship", including a trade agreement, is not ready, both parties agreed on the need for provisions to ensure that customs controls are not necessary – a "border" – between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, in the meantime.

This is called the "backstop" – but the two parties still have to agree on its form and duration.

Multimedia playback is not supported on your device [19659002] Support legend Keir Starmer: If an agreement is reached by the end of the year, it will not last

On Saturday, the protesters took part in a huge march towards the Parliament Square in London to request another referendum – this time for any final agreement on Brexit. it's negotiated. The organizers say that it has attracted about 700,000 people.

Brexit Secretary for Shadows of Labor, Sir Keir Starmer, said the protest reflected "a much larger group, Leave and Remain [voters] who are losing faith in the prime minister's ability."

When asked whether Labor MPs would support Ms May in Parliament, rather than risk an EU "no agreement" exit, he replied: "We do not accept this proposal, that is, no agreement, and this is not There is a huge majority in Parliament that will not agree that the alternative to Theresa May's agreement , if there is one, is not an agreement. "

He added," I think no one thinks this 30-year civil war of the conservative party over Europe will end before Christmas.

"What we are going to see, it is even if there is an agreement, the conservative party will try to tear it up next year … They are not going stop fighting about it.

"We are in the very serious situation in which people are saying to themselves: is the government really in a position to keep its commitments?"

Anonymous conservative sources, without names, speak of the wording that Ms. May's future as a Conservative leader would have been given to her to enter the "murder zone" and order her to "bring in" your own noose. "

Scottish Prime Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, tweeted:

Pbading @NicolaSturgeon's Twitter message

This morning, I saw quotes from Tories that the Prime Minister Minister "was entering the murder zone", was facing "badbadination" and should take it "own knot" at a meeting.Little disagree with her more than me, but language like this lowers politics. Catch you, Tories.

– Nicola Sturgeon (@NicolaSturgeon) [1945] 9037] 21 October 2018

End of Twitter article by @NicolaSturgeon

Former Minister Theresa Villiers, a Brexiteer, described the newspaper's comments as "disturbing" while her counterpart Conservative Lord Lilley told BBC News that the language was "unpleasant and unpleasant": "On both sides, this kind of language should not be used."

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