BRI made in China, made for the initiative of China: US official


The BRI initiative "made in China, made for China," said a senior Trump administration official in Beijing urging adherence to internationally accepted best practices and adopting a an open and inclusive approach to its infrastructure projects. The Belt and Road Initiative is a multi-billion dollar initiative launched by Chinese President Xi Jinping when he came to power in 2013. He aims to connect Southeast Asia, the Southeast Asia Central Asia, the Gulf region, Africa and Europe Welcoming China's contributions to regional development, Brian Hook, Senior Policy Advisor to the Secretary of State and Director of political planning, said that the United States simply wanted Beijing to meet high standards and defends areas such as transparency. and its rule of law and sustainable financing.

His comments preceded the announcement by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo of a major initiative for political initiative for the Indo-Pacific region during the first "I would not say not that this (new economic commitment) is a strategy to counter the belt, a road, "said Mr. Hook

. The road is for the moment the way of doing China. He claims that the United States and their economic commitment benefit the Indo-Pacific region, Hook said the Trump administration believes that the United States' economic engagement model is the 'model' of the United States. economic commitment ". He said the United States is encouraging China to adhere to best practices and funding for infrastructure development, he said.

"And this only happens when infrastructure is physically safe and financially viable." We encourage China to promote internationally accepted best practices and infrastructure development and financing and to adopt an open and inclusive approach to its infrastructure. belt and road initiative, especially those infrastructure projects overseas, "said Hook. 19659002] The United States, he says, have a vision of a free Pacific Indo and open, which does not exclude any nation.

The initiatives to be announced at the Forum by the Trump Administration is intended to advance America's cooperation with its partners and to encourage new forms of collaboration between the United States and the Indo-Pacific nation.

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