Britain accepts the divorce agreement between Brexit and the EU, May's opponents swear to thwart it


  Britain accepts the divorce agreement between Brexit and the EU, opponents of May swearing to thwart it

By Guy Faulconbridge and Elizabeth Piper

LONDON (Reuters) – Britain has entered into a divorce agreement with the European Union after more than a year of separation talks, pushing prime minister Theresa May into a perilous battle over Brexit that could shape her country's prosperity for future generations.

While Brussels choreographs the first withdrawal of a sovereign state of the EU, May a leader far to be sure surrounded Opponents of the government and his own conservative party must now try to to have the agreement approved by his cabinet and, most difficult of all, by Parliament.

The Brexiteers of May's party accused her of having surrendered to the EU and declared that she The Northern Irish Party, which supports its minority government, wondered if it could get approval from Parliament.

"These are memorable days and the decisions being aken will have lasting ramifications," said Arlene Foster, leader of the Democratic Union of Northern Ireland (DUP), which keeps the government in power.

"Prime Minister Must Get Support from Government and House of Commons … Every Individual Vote Will Count."

British Government to Meet Wednesday at 14:00 GMT to Consider Draft Withdrawal Agreement said a Downing Street spokesman after news of the text agreement was leaked by the Irish and British media.

Sterling, which peaked at $ 1.50 just prior to the 2016 British referendum, which provided a 52-48% margin for leaving the EU, jumped ahead after the US $ 1.50. Announced an agreement, but then erased some gains as his opponents prepared to criticize May.

Brexit The fifth largest economy in the world is facing the unknown and many fear that it divides the West in the face of Donald Trump's unconventional presidency and the growing badertion of Russia and from China.

Brexit supporters say that even if the divorce could be unstable in the short term, it will allow the UK to thrive and also allow deeper integration of the EU without such a powerful and reluctant member.


A senior EU official confirmed that a draft text had been accepted. EU leaders could meet on November 25 for a summit to seal the Brexit deal if May's cabinet approved the text, diplomatic sources said. Kingdom, where is the largest international financial center.

But May, the first Brexit opponent to win the highest rank in the post-referendum turmoil, struggled to unravel nearly 46 years of EU membership without harming trade or Europeans . lawmakers who will ultimately decide the fate of the divorce agreement.

In seeking to leave the EU while maintaining the closest possible ties, May's compromise plan upset the Brexiteers, the pro-Europeans, the Scottish nationalists, the Irish party of North who supports it government, and some of its own ministers.

It is difficult to know when Parliament will vote on an agreement. For the agreement to be approved, it needs the vote of about 320 legislators on a 650-seat parliament. It faces a deeply divided government, party, parliament and country.


Leading Brexite scholars, like conservative lawmaker Jacob Rees-Mogg and former Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson, said May had liquidated the United Kingdom.

"It's a failure of the government's negotiating position, a failure in achieving Brexit, and a risk of division of the United Kingdom," said conservative legislator Jacob Rees-Mogg.

Opposition The Labor Party, which stated that it would oppose any agreement that does not retain "exactly the same" economic benefits as those currently available to it. EU, said that it was unlikely that the announced agreement was just for Britain.

"It's a vbadal state stuff," Johnson said, adding that he would vote against such an unacceptable deal. "Chuck it out."

Johnson's brother, Jo, a pro-European, resigned Friday from May's government, calling for a new referendum to avoid his plans at Brexit, sparking the biggest British crisis since World War II.

IRELAND [19659003] In May, the divorce officially began in Britain in March 2017, opening difficult negotiations, ranging from space exploration to fishing territories to the sale of products. complex financial and future of the land border of the island of Ireland.

The British Olly Robbins and the Sabine Weyand Commission, a German, ran for a late-night deal at the European Commission's modernist Berlaymont building in Brussels.

Less than five months before the departure of Britain, the so-called North The main blocking point was Irish support.

Support is an insurance policy aimed at preventing the return of border controls between the British province of Northern Ireland and an EU Member State, Ireland, if the future trade relations are not agreed in time.

The British government has not provided any immediate details on the text of the Brexit Agreement, which is several hundred pages long.

Three EU sources said the safety net would come. in the form of a United Kingdom-wide customs regime, with specific provisions for Northern Ireland that go deeper into the customs and alignment issue on EU single market rules only for the rest of the UK.

This would include a control mechanism to link the EU's requirements that the insurance policy be permanently available and the request of Britain to avoid be part of a customs alliance with the block perpetually.

The DUP ruled out any agreement that treats Northern Ireland differently.

(Other reports by William James, Kylie MacLellan, Andrew MacAskill, Kate Holton and Alistair Smout in London and Alistair Macdonald and Gabriela Baczynska in Brussels, Written by Guy Faulconbridge, edited by David Stamp, William Maclean and Richard Balmforth) [19659032] This story was not edited by Firstpost staff and is generated by automatic feed.

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