British Prime Minister Theresa May salutes the breakthrough at the Brexit meeting with the Cabinet


Theresa May hailed today a "breakthrough" after a Brexit meeting of "make-or-break" by several hours


British Prime Minister Theresa May hailed a " breakthrough "after hours of confinement with cabinet ministers at his official Checkers retreat to preside over what has been dubbed a Brexit" make or break "meeting.

In a statement at the end of the 12-hour marathon summit, she said that at "our collective position" for future British negotiations with the European Union (EU).

"Our proposal will create a free trade area between the United Kingdom and the EU establishing a common regulation for industrial and agricultural products in these areas, but we will also ensure that no new change in the future will not happen without the approval of our Parliament, "Ms. May said.

She baderted that the new plan would avoid "friction" jobs and livelihoods, as well as meet the bor "We also agreed on a new business-friendly customs model with the freedom to enter into new ones. trade agreements in the world, "said the British Prime Minister, adding that his government would publish a white paper next week. She had to push her top team, divided in favor or against a tough exit from the EU, to agree on plans that would see Britain staying in full regulatory alignment with the EU on goods, Ms. May, who faced one of his biggest challenges over Britain's exit from the 27-member economic bloc following the Brexit referendum two years ago, warned its ministers that They had "Before the meeting, she stated that the Cabinet had" an excellent opportunity – and the duty to embark on the path of prosperity and security outside the European Union – and a country that has managed However, the gap between Eurosceptic ministers and pro-European ministers over how the UK should adhere to EU rules after Brexit posed a big challenge.

"I'm pretty confident" We'll end up with a concrete position that everyone can join, "said Cabinet Minister David Lidington, a few hours before the meeting

Under the details of the meeting at Checkers , a 16th century house in the Buckinghamshire Official retreat of the British Prime Minister, the ministers had to hand over all their smartphones and devices to make sure to focus on reaching an agreement and prevent any leakage from the meeting

Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson reportedly took part in the meeting, still unconvinced by Ms. May's proposals, and seven of them met at the Foreign Office on Thursday night to discuss plans ahead of Friday meeting.

Keir Starmer, Labor Opposition Minister, shadow minister for Brexit, said a viable agreement could be concluded with the EU The purpose of Friday's meeting was to agree on a UK proposal on how future relations with the EU should work after the departure of the United Kingdom. Brittany on March 29 next year, the details of which would then be published in a white paper next week. This would then be the subject of negotiations with the EU, a process that should create new obstacles.

But with the support of her office, Ms. May has overcome a major hurdle.

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