Bullet Train Beyond the reach of the common man, improve the railway system first: "Metro Man" Sreedharan


Sreedharan will lead a newly formed high-level committee to establish indigenous technical standards for all metropolitan rail systems across the country.

  Bullet Train Beyond Common Man's scope, improve the rail system first: Metro Man's Sreedharan 19659003] Image of Representation
New Delhi: Qualifier infrastructure and transportation of India Elattuvapil Sreedharan, a retired civil engineer, known as Metro Man of India, said that high-speed trains are out of reach of ordinary mortals .

Indicating that Indian Railways are 20 years behind advanced nations In an interview with the Hindustan Times, Sreedharan said, "High-speed trains are only for the community. elite, it is very expensive and out of reach India needs a modern, clean, safe and fast rail system. "
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The retired Indian Engineering Service officer and advisor to several Metro projects in India also rejected claims that Indian Railways has made progress in organic toilets, speed and cleanliness.
"Apart from the bio-toilets, there is no technical modernization.The speed has not increased.In fact, the average speed of most prestigious trains has decreased.Punctuality is worse – officially 70%, actually less than 50%. "

Speaking of rail accidents and fatalities, he said:" The accident record has not improved … Many are also dying on the tracks, at the crossings Up to 20,000 lives are lost on the runways each year, I think Indian Railways is 20 years behind the advanced nations. "

Sreedharan will lead a high-level committee newly established level to establish indigenous technical standards for all metropolitan rail systems across the country. Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the appointment of Sreedharan last month.

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