Carlsen & Caruana faithful to form at the opening of the press


"Women hate me, I push them away!" Was something you never have
should hear about world champion Magnus Carlsen, but that's his answer
when asked if he had "female support" for the match. He came with more
a memorable line, but while Sergey Karjakin looked like something from a rabbit
at the opening press conference in New York, Fabiano Caruana was
completely composed as he answered in his own relaxed and simple way. we
did not learn much again, but both players seem ready for battle
start tomorrow!

Those who were behind the press conference of the FIDE World Championship London 2018 had clearly learned from the New York experience
the "official speeches" of Arkady Dvorkovich, President of FIDE, and Ilya, CEO of Agon
Merenzon and its sponsor Andrey Guryev, CEO of PhosAgro, were kept out
minimum, because the attention turned directly to the questions of the players. Danny King
chaired, and you can review the answers below:

The contrast between the players was evident in one of the
first questions, if their age and excitement around the match was,
"Make chess cool." Magnus was instantly available:

Personally, I found that chess was the coolest thing in the world.
since the age of 8, I think it has always been this way!

Fabiano did not compete to provide something so succinct, but
replied calmly and relaxed:

I think chess is definitely getting cooler
there are many people in the world of celebrities, movies and music, who have a
interest in chess, so I think he's definitely gaining more visibility and I've also
think chess is a good thing and can certainly be very beautiful and can
be cool and accessible to the general public.

Let's see the players in turn:

Magnus Carlsen

The current world chess champion has managed to get rid of
"Softball" issues sometimes, but he's done it in the press opener
Conference was always with charm and wit. His ritual a match day?

I think nothing is too exciting, unfortunately, just trying to eat
well, sleep well, get ready, play well!

Does he feel different before this game compared to the previous one?

You always feel a little differently. I am a little older, so I feel
a little older and it's a colder place so I feel colder, but other than that
always the same – it's a lot of anticipation and enthusiasm to get this
something has started. I know I'm facing a formidable opponent, but I'll do my best
best to win again.

How much does a psychological war game cost?

I think the most important thing is to know what makes you move and what you play.
you do on the board, but there is an element of psychology, an element of bluff
In chess. It's not as common as in other games or sports but I think
people are aware of it, but it will not be the main story, I think that's
time. I think we're just focused enough on doing the best moves and
take from there.

Does he have "female support" for the match?

I do not think so. Women hate me, I push them away! (smiles)

We also saw another aspect of Magnus becoming
more prevalent in recent years, a desire to be extremely honest about
its own potential weaknesses. The Spanish journalist Leontxo García said that Magnus had
identified controlling his emotions as his biggest problem after Karjakin
the match was over. Had he overcome that?

Well, I mean, your question bothers me a lot, so
apparently not! (smiles)

After the joke, however, we had a revealing quote:

No, I think I'm a little calmer then, but the
It remains to be seen if I play better. Recently I did not do it, but I am
confident that I am capable of more. Probably recently, I have almost
apathetic, sometimes, so it took a turn in the other direction, so I need to
find a common ground, I guess.

When asked if he considered himself the favorite or the
Outsider for the match, he took it as well as he could …

It's been a while since I do not consider myself an outsider,
be honest! If you are the world number 1 player for 7 years
and you've won 3 consecutive world championships and you consider yourself a
outsider, so there is something that is really wrong with your psyche, I think.
That said, obviously, Fabiano is a great player, his results are
year speaks for themselves and I know that if I continue to play in the same
In the vein that I have been recently, I probably will not win. I have to
but I have great confidence in my powers to do exactly that.

Again, this theme that Magnus was not at the top of
his game and will have to improve for the match if he wants to win.

Fabiano Caruana

Of course, from Fabi's point of view, playing his role
first match for the title against a player as dominant for as long as Magnus
is a daunting experience. He was asked what were the weaknesses of the world champion

I do not think Magnus has obvious weaknesses. habitually
the mistakes he makes are very individual and have no clear tendency
to them, and I think that is also going for most players at the very, very
top, but that being said, it still makes mistakes, we all do, and the only one
The challenge is to be ready to take them when they come.

This discreet determination was evident in the other responses,
where Fabi again and again answered questions about his nationality and a certain great predecessor. He must have heard all this countless times recently …

… but he patiently answered. Was he playing for

I mainly try to approach tournaments as an individual. Of
Of course, if I have success, I would also like to share it with the United States,
but at the game of chess, the players are autonomous. But of course, yes, I'm proud
represent the United States in the highest honor to failures.

Why did he "change"
nationalities from the United States to Italy?

I have never changed my nationality. I had dual nationality from
birth and I changed federation when I was 13 years old. I was a child and I lived in
Europe and it was mainly to find my roots – the Italian of my mother – and
when I changed back to the United States when I was in my 20s it was a
personal decision. I feel connected to both countries. J & # 39; would
represents them both, but only one is possible, and I live in the United States
and represents the United States now, and I feel very good, but I also cherish
my Italian roots.

Is he the new Bobby Fischer?

I think the comparison is still early. If I become
World Champion, the comparison will be more appropriate, but in terms of failures
I hope that the style and course of our lives do not allow me to compare
That's true, but of course it's very flattering to be compared to such a big

A weird excerpt from a recent interview was unfortunately
debunked – Fabi is not an "aspiring filmmaker from Brooklyn":

And finally, to the question about female support? Here again
It was not an attempt to compete with Magnus to provide a spiritual answer. At the moment
another simple and composed answer:

The main female support that I have is that of my mother, who is me
think the most useful. I also have a lot of friends, including girlfriends!

If Fabi can keep the same calm on the board at
start of the match, we may have the game "too tight to call" that most neutrals have
hoped for!

There will still be a short opening ceremony during which
White will be determined for the first match, but otherwise, it's time to get to work. Check out our Special World Championship page for the full program …

… and then watch the live broadcast on our broadcast page, with Peter
Svidler, Sopiko Guramishvili and Alexander Grischuk are both on
Friday, from 16:00 CET here on chess24

See also:

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