CBI DSP AK Bassi moves SC against his transfer order to Port Blair | India News


NEW DELHI: KI DSI, CBI, on Monday displaced the Supreme Court to challenge his transfer to Port Blair, claiming that it was tainted with "malafides" and would prejudice the investigation against him. former special director Rakesh Asthana.

Bbadi, the investigator in charge of the investigation into the case of corruption against Asthana, said that he was "victim of the victim" of the current director by interim representative of the CBI, Mr. Nageswara Rao, who represents certain elements within the CBI, who did not wish the complainant to conduct a free and fair investigation in the Asthana FIR ".

He said that it was Rao who had pbaded the order of October 24, 2018 to transfer him to Port Blair and that it was the same person on his warrant who had him. referred to Andaman Nicobar, in total disregard of the judgment of this Court. in the case of the former director of CBI, Alok Verma.

Alok Verma made changes to the IWC prior to his removal.

IWC Director Alok Verma, who took office on Wednesday after a 77-day forced leave, hired the Rakesh Asthana – Tarun Gauba and V Murugesan – supervisory officers. were appointed by Acting Chief Nageswara Rao in his absence on 24 October.

In her plea, Bbadi challenged the transfer order issued on January 11, claiming that she was violating the instructions given by the Supreme Court in her judgment. of Verma who has been reinstated.

Verma, however, was removed from his position as Director of CBI by the High Level Selection Committee and transferred as Director General of the Fire Department.

"It was adopted by an incompetent officer / authority The purpose of the order under appeal is to harm the applicant The present order is intended to cause undue prejudice to the investigation against Rakesh Asthana, … dated October 15 …, 2018, "said Bbadi in his plea.

He expressed concern that the transfer decision was a first step to challenge him, either in a false criminal case or in a ministerial proceeding to have been discharged in a fair and impartial manner. as part of the RRI investigation concerning Asthana.

Nageshwar Rao supports the CBI, cancels all transfers ordered by Alok Verma

The new head of the CBI, Rao, is an IPS officer of the Odisha group formed in 1986 and has held various functions in his state of 39; origin. CBI in 2016. Alok Verma was transferred on Thursday to the position of Director of Fire Services, after which IPS Officer Rao (1986) was appointed Acting Director until the next day. other orders are rendered.

"The incriminated transfer order is non-verbal and fails to reveal the reasons for such a radical and emergent action," said the complainant.

Bbadi said that it was not a case of a current transfer of an officer. In his motion in the Verma case, he had claimed that his transfer was part of a deep-rooted plot to influence the progress of the investigation against Asthana and to punish further for the performance of his duties in a free and impartial manner.

He stated that after the January 8 verdict in the Verma case, he made a statement to the IWC director of the time (Alok Verma) on January 9th, which had been allowed to him. He was then transferred to Delhi and badigned to his post. DSP functions, CBI, AC-III, New Delhi.

"Once the said declaration was accepted and the following applicant was transferred to Delhi, it was not permissible for the order under appeal to summarize without the application of the. mind and without cause, any cancellation of the said transfer order dated January 9, 2019 by a generic order qualifying the previous order of "no-is," said the plea.

On January 8, the Supreme Court had asked CBI agents, including Bbadi, who had been transferred overnight as a result of the Center's decision to cede the power of the director of the agency. Investigation, Alok Kumar Verma, to seize the appropriate instances to prevent them.

Bbadi stated that he had never been part of any "group or faction" within the IWC and that he was not at all concerned about the disputes that may have occurred within the IWC.

"He was entrusted with certain tasks, under the legal authority (that is, to investigate the Asthana FIR) and he was only performing his duties in a way that free, fair and impartial ", says advocacy.

Bbadi stated that he was not claiming, claiming any acquired rights to be part of an investigative team investigating the FIR related to Asthana or any other case on which CBI had investigated.

"As a law-abiding agent of the IWC, it is his duty to perform the duties entrusted to him to the best of his ability. he is badigned to the investigative team investigating the FIR in the Asthana case, "he said.

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