Check out these great photos of the first ever 2019 Super Blood Wolf Moon seen around the world


The first and only total lunar eclipse of this year has been observed today in countries such as France, Russia and Great Britain. Check out the pictures of Super Blood Wolf Moon below.

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  Super Blood Wolf Moon

This stunning photo of this rare event was seen over Brighton, in southeastern England. A Super Wolf Wolf Moon is a natural phenomenon that occurs when the Earth prevents direct sunlight from reaching the moon. As a result, the light is refracted by the earth's atmosphere before being reflected by the moon's surface, making it appear blood-red, becoming a lunar lunar eclipse of blood and red wolf.
(Photo credit: AP)

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  Super Blood Wolf Moon

Another British photo taken near Maritime Prowess by Albert Hemstock Hodge in the guild hall in front of the rare lunar eclipse.
(Photo credit: AP)

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  Super Blood Wolf Moon

This photo was taken in Marseille, in the south of France. As can be seen in the picture, the moon appears brighter and bigger than usual.
(Photo credit: AP)

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  Super Blood Wolf Moon

Another photo of Marseille, in the south of France, perfectly represents this beautiful event.
(Photo credit: AP)

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  Super Blood Wolf Moon

This photo shows the lunar eclipse near the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
(Photo credit: AP)

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  Super Blood Wolf Moon

The first complete lunar eclipse of the year was beautifully captured under a Russian national flag in St. Petersburg, Russia.
(Photo credit: AP)

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