Chhavi Mittal gives birth to a boy after 10 months of pregnancy. Is it normal or should a mother worry?


  pregnancy chhavi mittal
(Source: chhavihussein / instagram)

Chhavi Mittal recently gave birth to a boy after 10 months of pregnancy and has named Arham Hussein. The television actress, who recounted her journey throughout her second pregnancy on social networks, had explained that she did not suffer from natural pain at work, even at her tenth month.

As we know, pregnancy usually lasts nine months and has three trimesters. So, should the expectant mother worry if the pregnancy lasts up to 10 months? Dr. Sushma Tomar, Infertility Specialist and Endoscopic Surgeon at Fortis Hospital Kalyan, answers all your questions about it:

Is it normal to be 10 months pregnant ?

It depends ideally on the cycle of the future mother. If the menstrual cycle is 28-30 days, the total pregnancy should be 40 weeks plus seven days. If the mother's menstrual cycle is irregular, childbirth may be delayed. In this case, the pregnancy can go up to 10 months. If this happens, we must go back and check the mother's menstrual history.

What are the risks if the pregnancy lasts more than nine months?

In the case of post-mature birth (when the child is not born) up to 42 weeks of pregnancy, other complications occur both for the mother and the mother. baby. This can lead to oligohydramnios, which means that the amniotic fluid surrounding the baby in the uterus begins to dry out. The baby no longer receives adequate nutrition, which affects his weight. The baby can begin to pbad faeces inside the uterus. The oxygen supply decreases and also affects the baby's breathing.

Are women pregnant for more than nine months?

Overall, about 10% of cases are post-mature births. Doctors usually wait until 42 weeks of pregnancy, but if the mother does not feel a natural pain at work by then, it is worrying for the mother and the child, and the treatment is caused by drugs.

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What happens when the mother does not feel a natural pain at work?

If the mother does not naturally suffer from labor, it is medically induced. But a long-term test is good for neither the baby nor the mother. Progress can be monitored for up to six to eight hours to see if the mother feels the pain needed to work. Otherwise, she has to go through caesarean section.

Can induced labor affect the mother or the baby?

Chhavi wrote in his article on social media: "… if work does not knock on my door today, we may have to artificially induce it, which breaks my heart because," he said. On the one hand, the baby is at risk because of his post-term delivery and, on the other hand, the baby is at risk because of the drugs injected into my body for induction. What's a mother chooses? "

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HAPPY DAY OF MOTHER to all the beautiful mothers! 6 years ago today, this little angel has given me the honor of being a mother. And today, she made me a surprise card that she pulled herself. I am absolutely upset today because there is this little child I talk to the world and who takes care of me in a cute way … I throw a baby shower, hugging me as close as possible, wiping my tears am sad, I make jokes to make me laugh … And then there is this other child who refuses to leave my body. I was really looking forward to being a mother of 2 kids before that day arrives. I know you have all waited for the good news. But more than anyone, my patience is exhausted, because there is still no sign of work. And if the work does not knock on my door today, we may have to artificially induce it, which breaks my heart because, on the one hand, the baby is in danger of preterm labor and, on the other hand, the baby is in danger because of the drugs pumped into my body for induction. What does a mother choose? I've always been so natural that I did not even let sunscreen get into my blood, and now that. I gather all that I have in me to naturally trigger the work to ensure a baby in perfect health in the arms. Long walks, squats, duck rides, ghee, pressure point mbadage, meditation, spicy food and more. I have just decided to make this birth the kind of birth that I have visualized. Keep these prayers to come wait # attendingforlabour PC: @ sachin113photographer _________________________ #pregnant #postterm # 41weekspregnant #fullterm #chhavimittal # pregnantmagrangerpresent an article,) on

On Several Work Opportunities Induced, the mother may not feel the pain of work or the process may take too long. When the mother does not give birth until nine months, she is usually more stressed by the baby. Even though delivery is medicated, the baby may not cry after birth, suffer from respiratory depression or not survive. Doctors generally do not allow mothers to give birth after delivery.

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