China promises "needed support" in cash-stricken Pakistan as both countries sign 16 pacts


BEIJING: China will provide "necessary support" for Pakistan to overcome the current financial crisis, a top British official said on Saturday as he signed 16 agreements among the two countries signed after talks between Prime Minister Imran Khan and his Chinese counterpart strengthen their all-weather strategic ties.

Khan takes part in his first visit to China as the two countries try to dispel disagreements over the multi-billion dollar CPEC, and on Islamabad, who are approaching "friendly countries" to avoid a difficult rescue plan of the IMF.

Welcoming Khan, said Li, "you can say that China and Pakistan are all-weather partners.

"We have great political trust and close cooperation in all areas.Pakistan has always been considered a priority of China's foreign policy.Your visit will consolidate and further develop the strong and lasting links between our countries. two countries" .

Thanking Li, Khan said, "The relations between the two countries have deepened since then because the CPEC was just an idea, it is now on the ground, it has captured the imagination of the Pakistani people." .

Pakistan views China as a great opportunity to move forward and attract investment, he said.

"This gives us an opportunity to improve our standard of living, our growth rate.You will see the difference because a lot has happened since 2013. One of the things, of course, is My party has come to power, "said Khan.

After talks between Khan and Li, representatives of both sides signed an agreement in the presence of the leaders.

China will provide "necessary support" to Pakistan to overcome the current financial crisis, but declined to disclose the amount, Deputy Foreign Minister Kong Xuanyou told reporters after the talks.

Khan met on Friday with Chinese President Xi Jinping, after which Pakistani media announced that Beijing had agreed to provide $ 6 billion in aid to the cash-strapped country, including a loan. $ 1.5 billion and an additional $ 3 billion. for the Sino-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

Asked about the US $ 6 billion package, Kong said: "During the visit, both parties made it clear in principle that the Chinese government would provide the necessary support to Pakistan to overcome the current difficulties.

"With regard to the specific measures to be taken, the competent authorities will hold an in-depth discussion".

He also said that the $ 60 billion worth of CPEC projects, which would be criticized by some cabinet ministers, will remain unchanged. increasing debt.

Pakistan is currently facing a serious economic crisis, including the balance of payments.

To the question of whether there will be changes in CPEC projects, Kong said: "The number of CPEC projects has not changed. the number of CPEC projects will increase in the future ".

He also stated that more projects related to "industrial cooperation" would be considered in more parts of Pakistan.

"The dimension of industrial cooperation will be introduced in the CPEC in the future.

"The CPEC will be introduced in more parts of Pakistan and we are also supporting areas related to people's lives, so the regions and content of the CPEC will be enriched," Kong said.

Asked about cooperation in the fight against terrorism, Kong said: "All areas of cooperation were covered and we also expressed the positive wish to strengthen cooperation".

China urges Pakistan to durably suppress the Uygur activists of the Islamic Movement of Eastern Turkistan (ETIM) in the Xinjiang region, to avoid entry and exit from the province.

Khan was greeted ceremonially at the Great Hall before meeting with Li.

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