BEIJING: India and China reached an agreement on tariff reduction on Chinese imports of Indian medicines, especially cancer drugs, announced today the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, a few days after a Chinese film on leukemia a patient stressed the need to pave the way for the importation of cheap Indian drugs.
However, it is not yet clear whether China has agreed to grant licenses to Indian companies to sell anticancer drugs on the huge market. According to a report from China Central public television channel, about 4.3 million people are diagnosed with cancer each year in China.
Indian medicines, especially cancer drugs, are in high demand in China. "We have seen China and India agree on the reduction of tariffs on drugs.For details, I refer you to the relevant authorities," according to the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. "We believe that the expansion of imports and the reduction of tariffs on cancer drugs will also open up great opportunities for India and other countries in the region," she added without providing more details.
In early May, China had lifted customs duties on the importation of cancer drugs.It was not clear if Hua was talking about this announcement.
The announcement of May, however, did not thrill Indian companies. India has demanded the opening of China's computer and pharmaceutical sectors as part of the measures to reduce the trade deficit by 51 billion US dollars in more than 84 billion US dollars. Bilateral exchanges.
While announcing the deal, Hua brought up a new Chinese film about the fate of a leukemia patient, highlighting the pressing need for China to pave the way for the fight against HIV / AIDS. import of cheap medicines. Indian drugs against cancer.
"There is a popular film in China today entitled" Dying to Survive. "She asked whether China would cut tariffs on Indian anti-cancer drugs, she said. as far as I know, the pharmaceutical trade between China and India is steadily growing, and both sides have maintained good communication by promoting the entry of Indian pharmaceuticals into the Chinese market and by conducting a dialogue and exchanges and cooperation on the pharmaceutical industry between China and India. "
formulated specific measures to expand bilateral cooperation in the pharmaceutical trade between China and India and promote the expansion of Indian medicines in the Chinese market." It is believed that the expansion and the deepening of pharmaceutical trade cooperation between China and India will further improve the health and well-being of both peoples ", she said, about the general reduction of human rights customs.
This is what China needs to defend free trade and against protectionism
It is also following our pace of development and openness
. "On July 1, the outcome of the Asia-Pacific trade round of negotiations released a document and we agreed to lower tariffs by 33 per cent. as I understand, the tariff reduction by the Indian side is also part of this negotiation and we will also impose a negotiated tariff on the relevant items in accordance with our regulations, "she said.
The six member states of the agreement – China, India, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Laos – will reduce tariffs Out of a total of 10,312 taxable items, she said that China has announced a series of measures to expand its openness to the outside world, actively increase imports, significantly reduce imports of auto parts and consumer goods, as well as zero. "This is a positive step that China has taken according to its own development needs. China will continue to expand its openness based on its own pace, goals and development needs. further expansion of imports and tax cuts will provide tremendous opportunities for countries in the region, including India, as well as countries around the world ", he said.
The two countries stepped up negotiations in favor of the Chinese after the organization of a meeting between Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Xi Jinping at the informal Wuhan summit on April 28.
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