China wants to build a false moon to illuminate the streets of the city


  Half Moon Background / The Moon is an astronomical body orbiting the planet Earth. It is the only permanent natural satellite of the Earth

. The satellite will shine
"Eight times brighter" than the real moon to replace
for street lights.

Shutterstock /

  • China wants to build an artificial moon "eight times
    brighter than the real moon "to illuminate the streets of the city.
  • It is estimated that the moon would allow the city to save about 1.2
    billion yuan ($ 240 million) in electricity costs each year,
    and could be launched as early as 2020.
  • However, according to experts, it "potentially creates
    new environmental problems. "

Chinese scientists plan to introduce an artificial moon
which will shine "eight times brighter" than the true moon and
could be launched as early as 2020.

The project has already been developed by Chengdu Aerospace
Science and Technology Institute for Research on Microelectronic Systems
Corporation and the institute claimed that the plan was
already "mature in technology".

According to the government daily People's Daily, the Chinese false moon
illuminate the streets of Chengdua at night with "a glow like twilight"
between 10 and 80 km wide – and it would
to be bright enough to replace streetlights.

Wu Chunfeng, President of Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology
Microelectronics System Research Institute Corporation, said so
the moon could light 50 km from Chengdu at night, it would be
save the city about 1.2 billion yuan (240 USD)
million) in electricity costs each year.

Astronomers and environmentalists are horrified by the
plans. John Barentine, Director of Public Policy at the
International Dark-Sky Association, told Forbes the "solution" for
Chengdu Problems "Potentially
creates significant new environmental problems "
– and
could increase light pollution by a factor of 47.

"The" artificial moon "of Chengdu would have the effect of
significantly increase the night brightness of one already
city ​​polluted by light, creating problems for both
residents, who are unable to filter unwanted light, such as
of urban wildlife that just can not go
inside and close shutters, "he said.

If China's plans for a false moon seem implausible, it reflects
The return of the sun's rays on Earth the night was made

In 1993, Russia managed to convince a beam of 5 km wide
from a 20 meter solar mirror called Znamya
2 it was about as bright as a full moon
. However, a piece
of the reflective umbrella taken on an antenna such as she was
deploy, and the satellite was desorbed after two or three

Read the original article on Business Insider Australia. Copyright 2018.

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