China warns the United States against opening fire on the world with tariff threats


The Chinese government said Beijing would respond to the entry into force of US measures


The US "opens fire" on the world with their tariffs threatened, warned Thursday the Chinese government. Beijing will react as soon as US measures come into effect as the two horns lock in a bitter trade war.

Trump administration tariffs on $ 34 billion of Chinese imports are expected to come into effect on Friday at 0:01 GMT. Friday), which is just after noon Friday, Beijing time

US President Donald Trump has threatened to intensify the trade dispute with tariffs on a total of 450 billion dollars of Chinese products if Beijing retaliates against markets, including stocks, currencies and world trade in soybean

China said that it will not "pull the first blow", but its customs agency said Thursday in a brief statement that US tariffs on US goods will come into effect immediately after the date of the war. entry into force of Washington tariffs.

At a weekly press conference, Chinese Ministry of Commerce spokesman Gao Feng warned that US tariffs would affect international supply chains. "If the United States applies tariffs, they will add tariffs on companies from all countries, including Chinese and US companies," Gao said.

Value chains. To put it simply, the United States is firing on the whole world, including itself. "China will not give up on threats and blackmail and will not falter its determination to defend free trade and asked if US companies would be targeted by" qualitative measures "in China in a trade war , Gao said the government would protect the legal rights of all foreign companies in the country.

Continue to badess the potential impact of the US-led trade war on business and help businesses to mitigate any shocks. "

Gao said China's foreign trade is expected to remain stable in the second half of the year. The Sino-US trade conflict will be a blow to Chinese exports and its economy.

He pointed out that US tariffs on Chinese exports would hurt Chinese and foreign companies.

Foreign companies accounted for $ 20 billion, or 59 percent Of the $ 34 billion in China's exports that will be subject to new US tariffs as of Friday, US companies representing an important part of this 59%, added Mr. Gao

. lobbied the European Union for it to issue a strong joint statement against the trade policy of US President Donald Trump, but until now they have insisted on not taking sides.

Chinese equities were mixed trade as a targeted reduction in reserve requirements for banks took effect in the context of intensifying trade tensions

CHINA LAMBASTES MEDIA US [19659004] Thursday, Chinese state media lambasted the United States.

The newspaper "Global Times" said in an editorial that China had to prepare for containment by the United States

"With strong manufacturing capacity and huge market potential, the development of China is difficult.To suppress.But the country will encounter more obstacles to future development, which we should learn to adapt to. "

" While the Trump administration is concerned about the gains and losses losses, the Chinese have unshakable confidence in the future of China. "

Chinese and American business sources in China said that there seemed to be little hope that rates can be avoided.

"I'm not afraid, yet," said Tu Xinquan, a business expert at Beijing University. and economy, which advised the Chinese government.

A source from the US industry said, "There is a 99% chance that rates come into effect on Friday."

"Honestly, I do not know what action China could take at this point, it would allow the United States not to impose tariffs," the US source said, adding that it is not necessary to impose any tariffs. There was no evidence that both governments had a substantial commitment at the moment that could result in the removal of rights.A Western diplomat told Reuters The source of the industry said that Beijing had not been able to address the Trump administration 's concerns over Chinese trade policies in at least five key areas, including forced technology transfers, Chinese industrial overcapacity, government subsidies, business reform; State and Beijing's restrictions in the cloud computing industry. = D.getElementsByTagName (s) [0]; if (d.getElementById (id)) returns; js = d.createElement (s); = id; js.src = "ht tp: // "; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore (js, fjs);} (document, & quot; script & # 39; , & # 39; facebook-jssdk & # 39;)); [ad_2]
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