China will create an artificial moon by 2020 to replace streetlights


  China will create an artificial moon by 2020 to replace the street lamp ... <19659002] If you land on the moon, open the hatch of the lander impatiently, go out incredulously to find a big label rising from the lunar surface, saying "Made in China"? Well, do not worry, this is not quite the moon that the Chinese are currently looking for, but it is close to According to the China Daily, scientists plan to launch an artificial moon on the orbit above Chengdu City, Sichuan Province replace the street lights and reduce electricity costs in urban areas.

This new satellite will consist of a reflective material in order to be able to operate in parallel with the light of the moon. Once in orbit and operational, it will be eight times brighter than Earth's moon, but only a fifth as bright as street lights. If all goes as planned, China's new artificial moon will illuminate up to 50 square kilometers of land. With this new method of lighting city streets, scientists hope to reduce electricity costs by 1.2 billion yuan (about 12.6 billion rupees).

The project is implemented by the new science company of the Tian Fu region. According to its official, Wu Chunfeng, the first of these artificial moons will be launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in Sichuan by 2020. Three more will follow in 2022 if the tests of the first moon run smoothly. According to him, this light source could save lives in the affected areas during power outages.

According to V3, external observers do not believe in the projects of Chinese society. For example, an engineer by the name of Eric Bretschneider recently wrote on LinkedIn that moons could not compete with street lights in terms of brightness and coverage. He also commented on the overall high costs of such a project. According to him, the company should spend billions of rupees only to save a small portion of that money in electricity costs, which would undoubtedly make impossible the realization of such a project.

<! – commented @ on July 6, 2016


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