Chris Evans drops the huge Meghan Markle index has already given birth to Baby Sussex


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Chris Evans dropped a huge clue that Meghan Markle has already given birth to the baby royal. Meghan and Prince Harry – the Duke and Duchess of Susbad – mocked the fans with posts on their official Instagram account, but nothing suggests Baby Susbad, although Meghan revealed that she was expected to end of April. Now, DJ Chris thinks he "knows" something about the birth, which would have been given by the queen herself.

"We are sitting here and we are still in. Some say less of a new royal baby or do we have to … Ladies and gentlemen?" he told the listeners on his show Virgin Radio Breakfast. News presenter Rachel Horne asked her, "What do you know?" Chris replied, "I do not know what I know, but I think I know something."

Teasing his special secret, the radio presenter said that he would inform the listeners after the next title – but Rachel interrupted and asked to be given a clue. "Well, there's more than one clue, what more do you want besides the fact that I think there might already be a new royal baby?" Chris said.

"I'm just saying, I just said, no?" The queen went to see Meghan and Harry! The monarch made a secret visit to the newlyweds' home at Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, where they moved in anticipation of their new arrival. Queen Elizabeth wanted to welcome her grandson and wife to their new pavilion as their first visitor, announced royal sources recently, but Chris pointed out that this was not a usual protocol.

"Now she does not do that, it's all I say," he says. Rachel then asked, "When, when, was last night, was it this morning, in the middle of the night? I need details."

"Why?" Chris asked. "Because I need to know these things," Rachel pointed out. "The queen has been to see them, now it does not happen," added the presenter. Meghan and Harry, who got married in May 2018, have already announced their intention to break with tradition by not posing with their baby a few hours after birth – unlike Kate Middleton and Prince William, who showed Prince George , Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis on the steps of the Lindo wing of St. Mary's Hospital after their arrival.

"Their Royal Highnesses made the personal decision to keep plans on the arrival of their baby in the private," Susbad said in a statement issued at Buckingham Palace. "The Duke and Duchess are eager to share this news with everyone had the opportunity to celebrate privately as a new family". This means that the royal baby may have already arrived and that new parents take their time to get used to the family life of three people.

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