Chris Jericho sends a last message to Kenny Omega; "I am the best in the world in what I do"


Tonight is the night!

The match of more than 16 months of preparation has finally arrived, while one of the greatest living legends of professional wrestling is preparing to face without question the greatest wrestler on the planet to date. [19659002] "Alpha vs Omega II" at MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas this evening as former WWE Champion Chris Jericho faces former IWGP heavyweight champion Kenny Omega , in the main event of the first pay-per-view of All Elite Wrestling, Double or Nothing!

Last night, the self-proclaimed GOAT addressed social media to send a final message to the "Best Machine", in preparation for an epic showdown in front of a delirious crowd. of the most rabid fighting fans in the world.


– All the Elite Struggles (@AEWrestling) May 25, 2019

"This is not just a historic night, the biggest night of the AEW story, it's the first show to really prove what AEW is. And yet, it's so ironic that this is the biggest show of Chris Jericho's career and the chance to prove who I am. "

" On January 4, 2018, I took my chance and went to Tokyo, Japan, to work with the Tokyo Dome against Kenny Omega. I had heard how great he was – always good, he's an excellent wrestler, he has the crowd in the palm of his hand. It is the "best end machine". And I thought, "You know what, I want to see how good this guy is." And I discovered, because Kenny and I not only demolished the house, but I had one of the biggest games of my career. But I lost … Even though my performance was good, Kenny Omega still had it. "

" Everyday since January 4, 2018, I thought, I was obsessed, and I wondered what would have been different beat Kenny Omega. How can I lose with nearly 30 years of experience around the world, 40 titles in my name, six times world champion – how did I lose against Kenny Omega? "

" I thought about it. I badyzed it. I watched the game again and again. I do not think I have had a good night's sleep since! And now, May 25, 2019, who would have thought? Jericho vs. Omega, star of the biggest show of AEW's existence. You never have a second chance to make a first impression, but I have a second chance to beat Kenny Omega. "

" I tell you right now, with all my great games and all the WrestleManias I have won the titles and championships that I have won – I'm nothing if I do not beat not Kenny Omega at Double or Nothing here even in the MGM Grand Arena. I am nothing. "

" But as we all know, I am something. I am the goat. I am the best in the world in what I do and I will win. This will be one of the matches of my career and Kenny Omega's career. The people in this building will be treated as the match of their lives, and when all is over, when AEW will finally be legitimate, with one of the biggest professional wrestling shows you'll ever see, I'll stand in the middle of the ring and I will ask for a "thank you" from AEW. All the men, women and children who work in this business and have benefited from it. I want a thank you and it will come from Kenny Omega, the face of All Elite Wrestling. And then begins the weekend of appreciation of Chris Jericho. "

" Thank you, this is not enough, I want a whole ceremony. I want a whole festival. I wish to be greeted and thanked by the critic, and recognized as the pioneer, the differentiator, the creator of video games that I am. I've created AEW and I'm going to put AEW on the map from tomorrow. Get ready for one of the biggest matches you've ever seen and get ready for Chris Jericho's appreciation weekend. You're welcome. On Saturday, Kenny. "

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