Clarke REVEALS from Game of Thrones survives two life-threatening aneurysms after the success of GoT


Game of Thrones star Emilia Clarke recounted how she survived two life-threatening aneurysms after the first season of the series. Read the details!

Less than a month away from the last Game of Thrones season read on April 14, 2019, fans have literally started counting down to the day they will attend the eighth season of the series . GoT's trailers and posters have generated a lot of excitement on social media, and fans have been both excited and excited since the last season of the show, and like GoT's zillions, the cast is also emotional and lively. we say that because, according to some reports, during the filming of the last episodes, the distribution was torn apart and that Emilia Clarke was part of it.

In an essay for The New Yorker, Clarke explained that after the success of Thrones' first season of Game, health problems began and she survived two life-threatening aneurysms. "By the time all my childhood dreams seemed to come true, I almost lost my mind, then my life. I have never told this story publicly, but now it's time, "she began, adding," I was terrified. Terrified by the attention, terrified by an affair that I barely understood, terrified of trying to honor the faith that the creators of Thrones had put in me. I felt completely exposed. "

It all started with Game of Thrones, because before that, Emilia baderted that she was a healthy person and that," Sometimes I was a little dizzy, because I was not sure. often had low blood pressure and low heart rate. From time to time, I had my head spinning and I fainted, "adding," At the age of fourteen, I had a migraine that I had kept in bed for a few days. At the theater school, I collapsed from time to time. . But everything seemed manageable, part of the stress of being an actor and life in general. Now, I think I may have been experiencing warning signs of what was coming.

In February 2011, when Clarke was preparing to exercise with a trainer, she noticed for the first time that something was wrong after she was forced to do so. number of exercises with headache. "I immediately felt as if an elastic was squeezing my brain. I tried to ignore the pain and go through it, but I simply could not, "she wrote. In one way or another, almost creeping, I went to the locker room. I arrived at the toilet, knelt and started to be violently, voluminously ill. Meanwhile, the pain – shooting, stabbing, constrictive pain – worsened. At one level, I knew what was happening: my brain was damaged. In addition, she said, "I heard the voice of a woman coming from the next booth, asking me if I was fine. No, I was not there. She came to help me and maneuvered by my side, in a recovery position. Then everything became both noisy and fuzzy, "she recalled," I remember the sound of a siren, an ambulance; I heard new voices, someone saying that my pulse was weak. I was vomiting bile. Someone found my phone and called my parents, who live in Oxfordshire, and they were told to come to see me in the emergency room. "

After arriving at the hospital, Clarke received an MRI and was diagnosed with meningeal hemorrhage.) -" a life-threatening type of stroke, caused by bleeding into the space surrounding the brain. "She wrote:" I had an aneurysm, an arterial rupture. "After the operation, Clarke was in unbearable pain and two weeks to the USI, a nurse gave her a series of cognitive exercises that tested her on facts, including her name. "Foolish words came out of my mouth and I became panicked blind." I never had lived such a fear – a sense of unhappiness that was getting closer, "she wrote," I could see my life in front of me, and it was not worth living. I have to remember my lines, now I could not remember my name. "A little while later, Emilia realized that she was suffering from an apnea. hasie, of his inability to understand the language. Shortly after, she wanted to "unplug" to ask staff to let her die. dream of what my life would be – centered on language, communication. Without that, I was lost.

Later, she realized that she was suffering from aphasia, which prevented her from understanding speech. Shortly after, she wanted to "unplug" the file, asking staff to let her die. Although she returned to her normal life, she was informed that she had a small aneurysm that could occur at any time. In 2013, Clarke went for a brain scan. It was at that time that she learned that the size of the aneurysm had doubled and the doctor informed her that she had to undergo an operation. Clarke wrote that the recovery from her second surgery was even more painful and she spent another month in the hospital where she had, so to speak, lost hope. But after her second operation, Clarke revealed that she had healed and that she "I am now one hundred percent".

Next, Clarke announced the launch of SameYou, a charity that aims to provide treatment to people who are recovering from a stroke or brain injury. . "There is something gratifying, and more fortunate, to come at the end of Thrones."

ALSO READ: Game of Thrones' Emilia Clarke recounts how much she and her male co-stars have been paid ; Read more

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