Climate Change SHOCK: Rising sea level to wipe out TRILLIONS in case of flood damage | Science | New


A study published by the National Oceanographic Center of the United Kingdom (NOC) warned that sea level rise could cost the world economy £ 10trillion ($ 14trillion) a year in 2100

The findings of this study were published this week by the NOC in the scientific journal Environmental Research Letters.

Scientists at the origin of the study fear hundreds of millions of people residing in low-lying coastal areas.

Upper-middle income countries like China are likely to be the most affected by floods, while high-income countries would have lower damage costs.

Study author Dr. Svetlana Jevrejeva, CNP said: "More than 600 million people live in low-lying coastal areas, less than 10 meters above sea level." In a warming climate, the overall sea level will increase due to melting. glaciers and ice caps, and the thermal expansion of seawater.

"Thus, sea level rise is one of the most damaging aspects of our global warming. "

2100 will see the average sea level increase by 0.5 feet (0.52 m).

But exceeding the UN's 2C target by 2100 could see waters increase by 2.8 feet (0.86 m) or 5.9 feet (1.8 m) in the worst case

Dr. Jevrejeva stated that the water that rose 2.8 feet (0.86 m) could cost up to $ 10 trillion ($ 14 trillion) dollars a year or 20.4 billion pounds ($ 27 billion) in the worst case scenario. However, adapting to the threat of coastal flooding could reduce costs to £ 757 billion ($ 1.7 trillion) a year.

The study of Dr. Jevrejeva said: Although the overall level of the sea will continue to increase, even in these strong mitigation scenarios, it will increase much less than

"The impact this reduction in growth, coupled with appropriate adaptation measures, will reduce future risks and economic losses. "

NASA climate observers estimate that mean sea levels increased by 178 mm [19659002] The increase in recorded water levels is mainly due to climate change caused by man and melting ice caps.

NASA estimates ice caps On average, 413 gigatonnes (413,000,000,000,000 kg) of mbad per year have been lost

The UN has attempted to meet the challenges of global warming by increasing water use. Paris Agreement and its Sustainable Development Goals

. : "Climate change is now affecting every country on every continent."

"It disrupts national economies and affects lives, which is costing people, communities and countries today and even more w."

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