Coach CWG coach Manika Batra "denied" Air India's boarding for the Australian Open – The New Indian Express


Express News Service

CHENNAI: The Indian table tennis players selected for the Asian Games were in shock on Sunday. On the way to the Australian Open, the contingent of 17 players, including 10 players, was arrested at the New Delhi airport by Air India officials because the AI ​​flight 308 was overbooked.

Despite the protests, the group was split in two members must stay behind. Among them were Manika Batra, star of the CWG, and Mbadimo Costantini, Italian coach

. The Air India agents finally greeted them on a 22:45 flight. The event starts in Melbourne on Tuesday and the flight of the seven was not direct.

A livid Manika took on Twitter and drew the attention of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Sports Minister Rajyavardhan Rathore. "On arriving at the Air India counter, we were told that the flight was overbooked and that only 10 members of the TT team could fly." I can not fly, "she wrote

Sport India CEO Neelam Kapoor responded by saying, "I'll be back there immediately." After the department's intervention, the seven men were detained on the 22:45 flight.

They have told Express that they had to wait five hours and fill a pile of papers before being taken to a two – star hotel. "It 's disappointing, it' s the least that 's. we can say. It's our last event before the Asian Games. These things affect the players. "

The Secretary General of the Table Tennis Federation of India, MP Singh, said:" It was irresponsible on the part of Air India. It's only because of the Sports Ministry that we could fix it. Medalist athletes should not be treated this way. "

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