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A typical Saturday morning, browsing the islands of your usual grocery store, you take a bottle of fresh juice from the chilled section. Without a second look, you put it in the basket, as you do every week, making this cold pressed juice an essential part of your diet. This trust in a product comes from knowing exactly how it is done and what it is made of. In other words, this trust comes from a transparent mark.

Several industry brands have launched transparency programs that provide consumers with in-depth information, from brand communication and product description up to production methods and policies. ;business. For example, Maiyet, a luxury brand based in New York, weaves stories about its collaboration with artisans from Varanasi in India and shares them with its loyal customers through its communication channels. Waleda, a 93-year-old beauty company, shares information about its commitment to fair trade, the pay guidelines and a list of environmental standards on its website. These brands were among the top 10 brands of Refinery's transparency awards29, which examined various transparency criteria – such as sharing information with employees and the public and constantly improving transparency practices.

A closer example of the house can be seen in MAGGI. The brand has shared the entire process of producing MASGA noodles noodles, ranging from making noodles to sourcing ingredients for the taster, in a two-part video series. The first video, filmed in the Tahliwal Nestle factory in Himachal Pradesh, breaks down the process of noodle production, covering such details as where the grains came from, how they are kneaded into dough and then cut up in fine noodles. The second video focuses entirely on the fresh ingredients that go into making MAGGI masala tastemaker. This is a crucial step taken by the brand to increase its transparency.

So, why do brands try to be more transparent? When customers make more informed buying decisions, they want more and more to know more about the brands that they buy. According to HBR, "By giving people a window on how it works, a company can show that it has a solid process to which it adheres. He can avoid asking customers to trust a black box. The greater the transparency, in other words, the greater the confidence. This trust earned by consumers can also have an impact on the bottom line. According to this study on brand transparency, up to 94% of surveyed customers were more likely to be loyal to a brand offering transparency, while 73% said they were willing to pay more for a product offering total transparency.

People's mistrust of businesses has increased along with the rise of social media, rating and review sites, and the online marketplace. The demand for transparency was further amplified by a few events that had an overall impact. The tragedy of Rana Plaza in 2013 exposed the ugly truth behind the fast fashion industry. In five years, major fashion brands are committed to adopting good industry practices and being transparent by publishing their list of suppliers and the type of products manufactured in the establishment. More recently, a series of big data scams has drawn the world's attention to the misuse of personal information shared on social media accounts. The resulting indignation has pushed social media giants to share transparency reports with the public at regular intervals.

In addition, a whole generation of advanced, sophisticated and demanding consumers, known as gen Y or more commonly millennia, has pushed companies to realize the importance of building trust through transparency. . Millennials, being digital natives, do not follow the traditional path of buying, but consider various other aspects before making a decision. Kira Karapetian, vice president of marketing for Label Insight, in an article written for Forbes, points out that "when millennia make purchasing decisions, they consider more than the traditional factors of taste, price, and convenience ". the principles of self, society and the planet: "how does the food I buy improve the quality of life of my family and myself?" and "how do brands enrich the world we live in. " any relationship, building trust can take years. By adopting communication and transparent practices, brands can deepen their relationship with their customers, enhancing brand loyalty and love. Despite its presence in Indian homes, dormitories and even the highest peaks, MAGGI has entrusted its loyal consumers with information about their production, packaging and ingredients, showing them that the reality of the brand is what they promise. The brand has teamed up with the Highway On My Plate duo, Rocky and Mayur, for videos that give us an insight into our favorite MAGGI.

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To learn more about MAGGI, see here.

This article was produced by the Scroll marketing team on behalf of MAGGI and not by Scroll's editorial team.

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