Common beliefs, myths and diet superstitions related to the lunar eclipse


The world is about to witness a total lunar eclipse on the night of July 27 and July 28 which will last approximately 1 hour 45 minutes. It is thought that this will be the longest lunar eclipse of the century. A lunar eclipse occurs when the Moon falls under the shadow of the Earth pbading directly behind the Earth. This day will also be a blood moon, where the earth's satellite takes on a reddish color. During the lunar eclipse or Chandra Grahan, the earth tends to block the direct sunlight to reach the moon. The only reflected light is refracted by the Earth's atmosphere; this light appears red in color, that is why it is called the Moon of Blood.

Chandra Grahan or Lunar Eclipse 2018: Date and Moment of the Moon of Blood

  • Chandra Grahan should be the full moon night that will fall on the night of July 27th. The first phase of the eclipse will begin at 23:54 local time on July 27, when the moon will be projected into the shadow of the Earth.
  • The total lunar eclipse is visible from 1:00 in the morning. from July 28, and will be visible in cities such as Mumbai, Delhi, Bangalore, Pune, and others
  • The second phase of the eclipse will begin at 2:43 am IST, where a partial lunar eclipse will take place.
  Chandra Grahan 2018: Chandra Grahan should be in full moon night </em></sub></p>
<p>  While astronomers are excited to attend the Moon of Blood this great day, there are certain beliefs or myths that revolve around its phenomenon . Stop eating two hours before an eclipse. </li>
<li>  Eat light and easy to digest before and after the eclipse. Turmeric can be added for its antibacterial properties. Avoid non-vegetarian food because it takes a very long time to digest. </li>
<li>  Do not carry any cooked food before an eclipse, as harmful radiation during an eclipse may be absorbed by the food. </li>
<li>  Pregnant women and the elderly can: eat during the eclipse. However, they should eat light food like dried fruits and raisins to give them energy. </li>
<li>  Even drinking water should be avoided. If you are very thirsty, you can however drink running water or tender coconut water. You can also drink water that has been boiled and cooled with Tulsi Arka (with antiviral properties) to prevent infections. </li>
<li>  Darbha grbad preserved in food containers. </li>
<p>  According to Dr. Mitali, "At the time of an eclipse, it is said that it is advantageous to place Darbha herb (Desmotachya Bipinnata) on foods that can ferment and once the eclipse ended, the grbad is removed As explained above, the strong micro-organic growth in food can infect the food, therefore, the Darbha grbad, which is a natural disinfectant is placed in stored food to prevent infection. "</p>
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  Chandra Grahan 2018 Super Blood Moon

Chandra Grahan: At the time of an eclipse, it is said that it is beneficial to place Darbha [19659007] Chandra Grahan 2018: Why is food infected during the lunar eclipse? Reveals Expert

Dr. Mitali explains: "During the eclipse, the wave length and the intensity of the light radiation available on the surface of the Earth are altered, in particular blue and ultraviolet radiation, known for their disinfecting properties. natural, are not available in sufficient quantity during the eclipse. uncontrolled growth of microorganisms in food products during the eclipse and food products are not suitable for consumption.One of the other main reasons why you are prompted to stay on an empty stomach is to help your meditation / singing during the eclipse, which they are much less effective when they are eaten on an empty stomach, so it is advisable to stop eating at least two hours before an eclipse, so that all the food be digested as you sit down to meditate. "

Chandra Grahan 2018: Is This Any Superstition? Here is What Ayurveda Experts Suggest

There is a setback to these beliefs and some do not necessarily follow the practice of avoiding food and drinks during an eclipse NirogStreet expert in Ayurveda Ram N Kumar rejects these beliefs as mere superstitions.He says: "There is no mention of do's and don'ts in the Ayurveda about such beliefs.The only reference is that we should avoid engaging in auspicious work.Don't eat and drink during the eclipse and compulsory bath after the eclipse is a superstition: one can safely lead a normal life during the eclipse. "

  lunar eclipse total

lunar eclipse: There is a setback to these beliefs and some may not fully follow the practice [19659007] Adding to that, Yogi Anoop fon Dator and director at MediYoga explains, "During the lunar eclipse, the moon tends to be closer to the earth, which means Some of our bodies are made up of 72% water, which is why we can undergo physiological changes, put in the mood and end up eating a lot of food, which can cause and disrupt life. stomach. That's why most experts suggest that one should not eat food during this time, as this can take a long time to digest. Rather, choosing lighter foods that can help keep your digestion going strong. You can, if not, follow a normal routine as everything else is superstition. "

NASA believes that there is no evidence supporting any physical effect of the lunar eclipse on humans but it may have a superstition psychological effect or not, c & # 39; is about what you believe and follow

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