Complex organic materials spew from the sub-surface ocean on Enceladus – Astronomy Now


The Cbadini spacecraft photographed plumes of icy material emerging from the surface of Saturn's moon Enceladus, solid evidence of a vast submarine ocean. Researchers examining archived data now say that complex organic materials are present in plumes, evidence of habitability. Image: NASA / JPL-Caltech / Space Science Institute

NASA Cbadini Saturn's archived data revealed the presence of complex organic molecules in space. Frank Postberg and Nozair Khawaja, both from the University of Heidelberg in Germany, led a team that identified fragments of large organic molecules in grains of ice that were released into geysers. feed the material in one of Saturn's rings. Cbadini photographed these geysers and even flew over them before the end of his mission last September.

"It's the very first detection of complex organic compounds from an alien aquatic world," Postberg said. Khawaja added, "We have found large molecular fragments that show typical structures of very complex organic molecules."

"These huge molecules contain a complex network often constructed from hundreds of carbon atoms, d & # 39; 39, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen. The ice grains reach Cbadini's instruments at a relative velocity of 30,000 km / h (18,600 mph), breaking larger molecules, possibly with thousands of atomic mbad units, and producing fragments. up to 200 molecular weight units

Such organic molecules can only be formed in complex chemical processes, including those related to the development of life as it is known on Earth.

Although it is possible that the material originated elsewhere in the solar system and was deposited on Enceladus via impacts on the solar system life, Postberg and Khawaja are confident that it comes from there. Deep Encelade Interior Where Ven Scientists believe that hydrothermal vents on the bottom of a submarine ocean on Saturn's moon Encelade could produce a circulation carrying organic compounds like those detected by the spacecraft Cbadini, on the surface. This image was produced by NASA for an earlier discussion of the alleged ocean. Image: NASA

"In my opinion, the fragments we found are of hydrothermal origin, having been processed inside the hydrothermally active core of Enceladus," Postberg said. "In the high pressures and high temperatures we expect, it is possible for complex organic molecules to appear."

In the depths of the terrestrial oceans where hydrothermal vents serve as hot spots supporting a wide variety of atmospheric hazards. organisms, organic compounds can accumulate. on rising air bubbles, reaching the surface and dispersing in spray when the bubbles burst.

A similar process could occur under the Enceladus crust with gas bubbles rising to the top of the presumed ocean. water that freezes as it makes its way to the surface and is ejected into huge geysers

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