Concern at the White House about the Russian summit of the head of the secret service


By: Reuters | Washington |

  White House Concern Over Russian Intelligence Chief's Surprise National Intelligence Director Dan Coats . REUTERS / Leah Millis / File

While US President Donald Trump defended his efforts to establish a relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, aides said Friday that there was some frustration that the chief of services American intelligence does not know. they hope the meeting will follow a more traditional pattern.

Since the summit of Monday and the joint press conference in Helsinki, Trump and his collaborators are trying to control the damage done by stifling the world by siding with Putin The question of Moscow's interference in the US elections of 2016

The director of US National Intelligence, Dan Coats, who immediately defended the intelligence staff on the election issue, expressed surprise at Trump's invitation Thursday to Putin.

Coats was on camera while he was attending the Aspen Security Forum, Colorado, when the news broke off the invitation, catching him clearly off guard. He advised against a face-to-face meeting with Putin, saying he would "look for a different way to do it."

If Coats had been to Washington instead of the conference, he would have been informed of the plan, A source familiar with the internal workings of the White House said on condition of anonymity: "That DNI Coats was surprised , and its fanciful reaction, is what is most alarming for people, "said the source.

Trump's entourage saw the Helsinki summit as problematic for the president and he seemed weak, said another source close to Trump, missing an opportunity to show his strength against Putin in confronting him to the interference of the elections

. CNBC interview broadcast Friday, Trump said he and Putin had a report in Helsinki. US intelligence agencies accuse Putin of ruling interference to influence the election against Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton with regard to Republican Trump. "The fact is we get along well," Trump said in the interview, which was recorded Thursday. He added that the two were not agreed on everything. "He was not always conciliatory in this meeting," he said, without specifying.

Five days after the two-hour Helsinki meeting, at which only the two leaders and their interpreters were attending, some US officials remained unaware of what was being discussed.

On Twitter, Trump listed topics he and Putin talked about, but gave no details. He said that they discussed counterterrorism security, nuclear proliferation, cyberattacks, trade, Ukraine, peace in the Middle East and North Korea.

The next summit will be more traditional. In advance, an agenda has been established to try to reach agreement on certain issues.

An official asked if the reaction in Helsinki would be a more organized process, said that was often the case. Another official said the aides thought that an appropriate procedure had been put in place for Helsinki, but that did not work.


As the Americans sought information about the meeting, Moscow offered them excerpts. The Russian Defense Ministry said it had sent detailed proposals to Washington on organizing the return of more than 1.7 million refugees to Syria after the agreements reached by Putin and Trump, reported the RIA news agency. The state Mike Pompeo told reporters at the UN that Trump and Putin had discussed the return of refugees who had fled the civil war in Syria, but did not give any details and did not give any details. have mentioned no Russian proposal.

The Russian news agency Interfax reported that made proposals to Trump involving the east of Ukraine, citing Russia's ambbadador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov. A spokesman for the National Security Council of the White House said that the United States on Friday rejected a Russian proposal for a referendum to decide the fate of eastern Ukraine

. Interfax said: "Putin has rejected accusations that his government has interfered with Trump's election: a week ago, a federal grand jury indicted 12 Russian intelligence agents for conducting cyberattacks to undermine Democratic Party Networks: A Special Advisor also studies whether Trump campaign aides coordinated with Russian officials, which Trump denies

US intelligence officials said Moscow is also targeting congressional elections in November. 19659006] A director of Microsoft Corp.'s Colorado Conference that Russian hackers targeted at least three current candidates in November The company found evidence of a fake Microsoft site used for phishing attacks and was in to remove the page and the hackers have not entered, said Tom Burt, vice president of security clie Burt refused to identify the candidates.

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