Congress leader GA Mir claims BJP making 'desperate attempts' to return to power in Jammu and Kashmir


Jammu: Jammu and Kashmir, GA, President of the United States of America.

However, any attempt at government training by indulging in "illegal and unconstitutional methods of horse trading and other means will be met with tough resistance," he warned.

 Representational image. Reuters

Representational image. Reuters

"Any such attempt by any party to defeat the constitutional provisions of anti-defection law would be met with tough resistance by the people who would not accept any back door entry to power," Mir said in a statement here. 19659002] "The Consequences of the Betrayal of Mandate and Formation of an Unholy Alliance by PDP-BJP Against the Nature of Respect for Mandate of Two Parts, Is Before Everyone," he added.

"The political forces and individuals need to desist from the tactics of the political scene, "the Congress leader added."

The State Assembly is in motion animation after the imposition of the PDP-BJP government on 19 June.

The BJP withdrew its support to the PDP claiming that its alliance partner failed to ensure equitable development and indulged in discrimination with Jammu and Ladakh regions. 659 010] function (f, b, e, g, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) return;! N = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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