Consuming soy formula during childhood can lead to severe menstrual pain later: study


A new study indicates that soy-based infant formulas can increase the risk of severe menstrual pain later in life. The percentage of probability that these baby women suffer from menstrual pain later in life is significant. The study indicates that female infants who consume soy formula during their childhood are 50% more likely to experience moderate to severe cramps during their menstrual cycles. The study was conducted among young women aged 18 to 22 years and its results were published in the newspaper Human Reproduction . This study was conducted among 1533 women aged 23 to 35 years and a total of 198 among these female subjects who reported having been fed soy-based infant formula during infancy.

Kristen Upson, US National Postdoctoral Student In the United States, the Institute of Environmental Health Sciences stated that menstrual pain can have a significant impact on the quality of women's lives and that the study was performed to test the effect of phytoestrogens present in soy-based preparations. She added by claiming that estrogen exposure during infancy or development of an infant can affect her reproductive health in adulthood. These new findings are consistent with previous studies that also indicated an increased risk of severe menstrual pain in adulthood in women fed formula-based soy milk.

The results of subsequent animal studies also confirm these results, which indicate that consumption of soy-based formula for female infants may have disruptive effects on their reproductive health later in life. life. These adverse effects are due to the presence of phytoestrogen and genistein in soy preparations and these effects would be persistent until adulthood. The researchers noted that a greater and better understanding of hormonal exposures during developmental periods, likely to affect reproductive health in adulthood, was needed to inform efforts. future prevention, in order to improve women's health.

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