Cricket player Harbhajan Singh away from the World Cup final: Playing football, not Hindu-Muslim


The 2018 FIFA World Cup has been an entertaining experience for all football fans around the world. A one – month roller coaster ride was full of heartaches and shocks. The successful clashes, captivating goals and shocking results concluded with France winning the FIFA Trophy. While most people appreciated the subtleties of the "beautiful game", cricketer Harbhajan Singh found a unique point of view.

The Indian spinner, who is known to say what he thinks, seems to be upset by the frequent reports of the Hindu-Muslim conflict in the country. Harbhajan used Croatia 's performance at the 2018 FIFA World Cup to bring home a lesson in community harmony.

Taking to the microblogging site, Twitter, he used the hashtag "Soch Badlo Desh Badlega". to say, "Croatia, a country with 50 Lakh population, will play the finals of the FIFA World Cup, while we in India, with a population of 135 crore, play" Hindu Muslim ".

लगभगलगभग लकी देशकी देशकी देशऔर देशऔर देशऔर हमऔर हमऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर httऔर htt रहे htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt htt Croatia, formed in 1991, made its World Cup debut in 1998. In a series of many firsts, the country defeated Nigeria, Iceland and Argentina by Lionel Messi in Group D In the round of 16, Croatia went to Denmark and then stormed in the semifinals by beating Russia.

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