Cricketer Kapil Dev's daughter Amiya Dev will make her debut as an assistant director with 83 members of Ranveer Singh


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Kapil Dev's daughter, Amiya Dev, debuts as an badistant director with Ranveer Singh's 83

Ranveer Singh begins to perform the biography of Kapil Dev. The actor is currently training intensely to become the legendary cricketer and Kapil Dev himself teaches him his moves. Now, the latest reports related to the film suggest that not only Kapil Dev, but his daughter Amiya Dev is also a part of the biopic. Yes, she will debut as badistant director with Kabir Khan in movie 83.

Cricketer's son Sandeep Patil, Chirag, who will play his father in the film, revealed the beginning of his debut as director of Amiya. In an interview with Mumbai Mirror, he revealed: "We met for the first time while working on the film, she is from Delhi, I am from Mumbai and she is much younger than me. our daily training sessions from the management team, so she keeps us informed of the meetings we are supposed to attend, and whenever I am in Kabir's office, she is present and actively involved in the process, 39, it's about costume planning or schedule. "About the movie, the 83 unit is ready to travel to Dharamshala for another training program and will be contact with each other. Kabir Khan's 83 will bring to life the winning moment of the Indian Cricket Team World Cup from 1983. The authors have already revealed the main cast of the film, which will also feature Saqib Saleem, Ammy Virk and Pankaj Tripathi.

Kapil Dev in the movie, Ranveer Singh said that he wanted to become the shadow of the cricketer. "The film's story is one of the most glorious chapters in our nation's sporting history. The director of Kabir (Khan) and I discussed the fact that we do not have much to do there. You have just told the story and it has it all – a spectacular and unreal story. A whole generation who does not know it – how they did it and how they won, "reportedly told Gully Boy's actor to DNA.

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