Crowds greet Palestinian teenager after his release from Israeli prison | news from the world


Palestinian teenager Ahed Tamimi left the prison on Sunday and was greeted by a crowd of sympathizers after serving eight months for slapping Israeli soldiers, an episode that made her a symbol of resistance for Palestinians. who was also imprisoned on the incident, arrived in their village of Nabi Saleh in the occupied West Bank, where they were harbaded by reporters.

Easily recognizable by his shock of red hair, Tamimi wore a Palestinian-style keffiyeh around his neck. "The war lasts until the fall of the occupation, and of course the prisoners (women) in prison are all strong," Ahed Tamimi said.

"I thank all those who supported me in this sentence and support all the prisoners.

His father Bbadem put his arms around Ahed and his mother while they were walking. together on a road, while a crowd of about 100 people chanted "we want to live in freedom".

At a press conference later, on a village square, Tamimi was sitting at a table behind a forest of microphones, a translator.

She refused to answer questions from Israeli media journalists because of what she said was an unfair cover for her cause and that of her family.

She said that she planned to study the law to detain Israel.

"Of course, I am very happy that I have returned to my family, but this happiness is partial because of the prisoners who are still in prison," she said.

Tamimi also visited the tomb of Palestinians. Ybader Arafat in Ramallah and laid flowers there before meeting Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas

"The imprisonment of a child "

The Israeli authorities seemed to want to avoid media coverage of the release as much as possible. Contradictory information had led supporters and journalists to hurry to arrive at the right time at the right place.

Tamimi and her mother were taken Sunday morning from Sharon's Israeli prison in the West Bank, the authorities said. the checkpoint where they had to cross the territory was changed three times before being finally announced at Rantis, about an hour's drive from the initial location. Israeli authorities on Saturday arrested two Italians and a Palestinian for painting Tamimi's image on the Israeli separation wall that cut across the West Bank.

The trio was released Sunday night, Italian and Israeli officials said.

Tamimi and his mother were sentenced to eight months in prison by an Israeli military court following an agreement on the December incident, which took place in their garden in Nabi Saleh [19659003]. Gaby Lasky, Tamimi's lawyer, said the video filmed by Tamimi's mother on the December incident was viral and that Palestinians considered the teenager a hero resisting the Israeli occupation [19659003]. But for the Israelis, Tamimi is used by his militant family as a pawn in staged provocations

They point to a series of previous incidents, with older photos of his soldiers facing shared largely online.

restraint of the soldiers, who remained calm throughout, although others said his actions deserved a more severe response.

Rights activists condemned Tamimi's imprisonment.

Omar Shakir Human Rights Watch tweeted Sunday that "the imprisonment of a child for eight months – for calling for protests and beating a soldier – reflects endemic discrimination, the absence of due process and the treatment of children. "

"Ahed Tamimi is free, but hundreds of Palestinian children remain locked up with little attention to their cases," he said.

Protests from the United States. Embbady

Tamimi was arrested in the early hours of December 19. after the incident in the video.He was 16 years old at the time.

Her mother Nariman was also arrested , just like his cousin Nour, who was released in March.

The Israeli army said that the two soldiers were in the area on the day of the incident, preventing Palestinians from throwing stones at Israeli motorists

The video shows the cousins ​​approaching them and telling them to leave, before jostling them, kicking them and beating them

Ahed Tamimi is the most aggressive of the two 19659002] Heavily armed soldiers do not react to what appears to be a an attempt to provoke them rather than seriously harming them.

They then retreat after the involvement of Nariman Tamimi.

The clash took place in the midst of clashes and protests against the controversial recognition of US President Donald Trump of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.

Relatives report that a member of the Tamimi family was injured in the head by a rubber bullet fired during these demonstrations.

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