Daily Horoscopes for Today, Wednesday, January 30, 2019 For Astrology Signs of the Zodiac


Today is a lucky day!

Your daily horoscope is displayed with the reading of a tarot card for each zodiac sign, for Wednesday, January 30, 2019!

RELATED: How lucky you are in life, according to your zodiac sign

The Sun is in the sign of Aquarius until the end of February. Now, as the Moon completes its transit of Saggitarius, she makes a very chic outing and loves to enter the sign of Aquarius.

The Moon in Sagittarius aligns with the lucky planet of expanse and good fortune, Jupiter, who is also in Sagittarius. This is a moment where letting your mind wander while shopping can give rise to work of incredible quality.

The mind often solves problems better when it is busy with something other than the question at hand.

Spend time with family or friends if you can today. You will enjoy it and everything you need to understand or solve, your epiphany will reach you easily.

Check your zodiac sign for today, Wednesday day of January 30 2019, astrological predictions for your horoscope, tarot, and

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot: Five of the Pentacles

Aries, you have a lot to say your mind, but nothing can defeat you. You are ambitious and motivated, and for the moment it is a good thing. You have projects in the mix. Your energy is high and your vision is clear.

At the present time, focus on networking and the key players who can help you advance your concepts. Aries, when you create strong alliances, you mobilize the resources and people you need.

Your lesson today is to accept the fact that new beginnings require a drop in negative energy that holds you back. If some people in your circle of trust give you an atmosphere that does not support you, take a distance. Your confidence and your self-esteem are too important right now to be distracted by the drama.

RELATED: 13 Brutal truths about the love of a Aries (as written by one)

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Tarot: L & rsquo; Man hanged

Bull, today is a day of open doors, but you have to close a few windows. There are times when privacy is important. Protect yourself from people who envy your energy and determination.

If you have friends who pose as enemies, correct them and then let go. Your lesson for today is to avoid problems that create resentment. Keep your heart wide open for the love of ultimate success in life.

RELATED: 5 Brutal truths about the love of a bull (written by one)

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Tarot: two of chopsticks

Gemini, appearance isn Not always as it seems but for the moment, your appearance and your reality are aligned. Your life improves. The inside and the outside balance.

Gemini, do you feel your inner strength grow? Well! Because that's it! Your lesson of the day is to release doubt and insecurities. If you still have doubts about yourself, today is your day of liberation!

RELATED: 13 Brutal truths about love of a Gemini (as written by one)

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Tarot: Page of Cups [19659013] Cancer, history is often repeated. Today, keep your eyes peeled for patterns that reveal a hidden treasure of wisdom. There is a life lesson you need to master and which you must learn, as well as a path that you are supposed to take. The lessons of today remind us that the already seen is not just a coincidence. It is the universe that communicates in a new way with the opportunity.

RELATED: 5 Brutal truths about the love of cancer (as written by cancer)

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Tarot: The High Priestess

Leo, Friends and dear ones enter the center of your universe today. You do not always like to forgive or compromise unless it is won. But today, your lioness pride must deviate and leave aside your right to judge. The lesson today is rooted in compromise and acceptance. You can not make people the ones you want.

RELATED: 8 reasons why Leo women are the BEST women to love

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Tarot: Knight of the Cup

Virgo, l The future catches your eye and you look brighter as you work hard to achieve your goals. Your mental clarity is increased. The guilt that you feel for abandoning those who have abandoned their dreams begins to fade.

The lesson today is to stay engaged, and when doubt arises, engage yourself again. You are so close, Virgin. So close to getting everything you want and have worked hard to win.

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of a virgin (as written by a virgin)

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Tarot: Two of the Swords

Sagittarius, independence and trust are what fuels spring in your step. The heartache lasts only one moment and the disappointment hurts, but not for long.

Your self-sufficient nature will serve you well today. If you need help, ask for it. But today, you might decide to follow your usual motto.

When a Sagittarius wants something to be done well, he often does it right.

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of a Sagittarius (as written by only one) [19659017] LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)

Tarot: Seven of Cups

Libra, sometimes a monkey's key is thrown in your way. You know exactly what to do when it happens.

All negative factors in your life are for your greater good, Libra. Your controlling nature serves you well when things seem uncontrollable to you.

Today, think about balancing love and well-being with the forces of nature when the challenge arises.

Your happiness may seem hidden behind a shadow for a moment, but the sun will shine soon!

RELATED: 11 Brutal truths about the love of a scale (According to an author)

SCORPION (23 October – November) 21)

Tarot : Temperance

Scorpio, you will be asked today to compromise an item of value. It can be time, energy, effort or attention. You decide how much you want to give, but your instinct and your psychic abilities will guide your steps towards the happiness you want. The lesson today is balanced in all things. You must land alone, Scorpio, even if it means that someone must fall by his choice.

RELATED: 14 ​​Brutal truths about the love of a scorpion (written by one)

CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)

Tarot: Five d & # 39; Swords

Capricorn, Energy Accepting the things you like is tantamount to accepting things that you do not like. You decide where you put your energy: on things you like or things you want to do without. It's time to clean up and eliminate anything that stops you from living in your happiness.

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of a capricorn (after Written by One)

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Tarot: King Pentacles

Aquarius, there is compromise, and then there are compromises in relationships. In trades, you exchange one thing for another. In a compromise, you share an experience.

Today 's lesson is not to trade something when what you want is a compromise. If you are unhappy, think again. Remember that what is asked for or offered to you or yourself is you who decide how much or when to give.

Your life is in your hands. You do not always have to play the cards that have been dealt to you.

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of an Aquarius (text written by an author)

PISCES (19 February – 20 March)

Tarot: World

Pisces, when someone needs your help, and they ask for it, you can go to the sea with enthusiasm to give. But when you need help, you do not always ask. You are not as enthusiastic about the process of taking care of your own needs.

Pbadion is not reserved for others, Pisces. You are full of love and compbadion, so why not open your heart to yourself. Today's lesson is to look at new ways to encourage the love you give to self-love as well.

RELATED: 7 Brutal truths about the love of a fish (as written by a fish)

Aria Gmitter, MS, MFA, is Writer [19659073] astrologer and editor of YourTango for Zodiac & Horoscopes which covers astrology and celestial events. It's live on YourTango's Facebook page on Tuesdays at 10:20 pm EST, reading tarot cards and answering questions about your zodiac sign. Follow her on Facebook.

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