Dakota Johnson says her rules and hormones "ruin her life"


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			<span clbad= Getty Images Stephan Cardinal – Corbis

  • Dakota Johnson recently
  • Daktoa, 29, says his hormones and menstrual cycle" ruin his life. "
  • Daktoa, 29, works as part of Global Citizen's reproductive education program, helping women and girls around the world better understand their bodies.

    I think that # There is one thing we can all agree on: the times are the worst – and Dakota Johnson thinks the same thing.

    The actress of Suspiria aged 29 ( even if you probably know her of the Fifty Shades trilogy ), open until InStyle on her menstrual and hormonal woes, even calling her her rules "traumatic" "

    " My hormonal changes during my menstrual cycle ruin my life, "she said. "Each month. It's amazing. It's really amazing. I can not get there. "

    Dakota says that these changes affect his body and his brain." I am totally outraged by what happens to my body and to my brain, "she said." My bads are eight times larger than usual. "

    Dakota menstruation problems prompted her to involve in the Global Citizen Reproductive Education Program to help women better understand their bodies.

    For Dakota, this partly means determining which types of birth control or drugs are right for you the best. "It is also very difficult to determine what type of birth control you are supposed to use and if it is even healthy," she said. "How not to introduce chemicals into the brain to feel good? "

    Overall, Dakota says she just wants better x understand your body (yes, even at 29) and help other women to do the same. "I would really like to understand and be able to handle things a little better, know what's going on in my body and know what I'm putting in there."

    Just FYI: If your rules, like Dakota's, make your life miserable, it's best to talk to your gynecologist. Although the periods are absolutely a nuisance, they should not affect your quality of life, so it is wise to have a professional check it.

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